Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
From your online documentation our Premium account should allow us to add guests to our projects so long as their email domain is different from our organization’s.
Steps to reproduce:
When I follow the instructions and go to the security section on the admin console, then click the Guest Invites section a modal presents itself indicating that we need to upgrade to Enterprise. If I try to just invite them using their email address, they are added as regular members or limited access members and count against our licensed seat count.
I would suggest checking out the Guests section of the Asana Guide. It would appear you are working within a Workspace where Guests aren’t available (only Limited Access Members). This section talks about conveying your Workspace to an Organization.
Hi Jerod, thanks for getting back to me. I think it may have something to do with the fact that “” is the organization and we are but one unit in the university. Is there any way someone from Asana could take a look at our account and provide us with some guidance? It looks like it is likely some sort of multi-tenant Asana work around because of the distributed nature of our University.
Hi @John_Turner, from what I’m seeing you’re using a Workspace and it looks like the “” domain is already in use, so in order to get this fixed we’ll need our support team to take it over. Can you please reach out to them following these steps: How to contact our Support Team ✉