Tips for linking written + video content

Hi! I help manage a content team that will be producing a high volume of both written and video content (and those videos will often be related to the topics we’re writing articles around).

We have an editorial calendar project set up where each new written piece is a task. For now, we create a subtask for video production if the written piece will have an associated video (with sub-subtasks for things like writing the script, filming, etc.)

I don’t love the idea of sub-subtasks, but it is important that we link these related assets and have a single view of all content (regardless of format) in production. Would love to hear tips from other content teams about how they’ve structured similar work.

Welcome, @Matilda_Schieren,

What’s best for your needs would depend, but here’s one option to consider.

Have a Content (meaning Content Topics) project with a task for each title.

Add a subtask if there’s a written version.

Add a subtask if there’s a video version.

Multi-home (add to project) the subtasks, not the parent task, to your Editorial Calendar project.

Optionally, you could also have a Written Content and a Video Content project where you’d multi-home the parent task to either one or both. These projects could add content-specific custom fields.

This eliminates sub-subtask, and any parent or subtask is always just a click away from its relatives (via the right-side Task Detail pane).

For more about workflows, consider my free workshop video:



Hey @Matilda_Schieren,

also in case you are interested I once did share some insights on processes we have set up in a learning talk. This workflow in text format can be found here:

Thanks Andrea! For some reason that link isn’t working for me. Is there another way you could share?

Hey @Matilda_Schieren,

I have sent you a DM.