Timeline, Progress or Workload for GM overview ?

Hi Team,

I am new to Asana and get a bit confused.

I an in charge of Fundraising, Communications and iT in our NFP.

I work 2 days out of 5 remotely, but might have to work overseas due to personal reasons for a few weeks.

I am trying to find a PM tools allowing my boss to have a good overview of what I am doing, and my Team a clear understanding of tasks to be done, priorities and deadline.

I am not sure if Timeline, Progress or Workload are the most appropriate in my case, and how to use them efficiently.

I would like my boss to be able to see what it is that I am doing and both him and myself to see if I have room to fit anything else…

. I have 3 portfolios : Fundraising, iT and Comms / Marketing

. In Fundraising, I have 4 Projects : Bishop’s Appeal, Seminary Appeal, Legacy Appeal and Regular Giving

. Then in each, I have created the sections : Brainstorming, To Do, Doing, Milestones

. and inside each sections, there are tasks and possibly sub-tasks.

From here, what would you guys suggestions be so to have an good overview /snapshot of what is going on ? Workload or Timeline ?

Not a view with all the tasks appearing actually but a solid overview…

There might be several posts about this for sure, but I am not sure where to start…

Many thanks in anticipation for you guys assistance


Hi @Fred_Ralaimihoatra, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

In this case, I think you could utilise both Timeline and Workload!

Timeline shows how all of the pieces of your project fit together in chronological order while Workload gives visual snapshot of team capacity.

I’ll keep your post open to give other Community members the opportunity to share their advice! :slight_smile: