Time Tracking Reports for Payroll

Hi Asana,

We were previously using Tick for time tracking. We had the ability to pull a report for a specific user over a span of time across multiple projects. This was great for managing payroll for hourly employees and contractors.

How can I do this in Asana? I look forward to your response.

  • Hamilton
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@Jason_L_Hamilton - do your users only enter time on tasks assigned to them, or do multiple people enter time on the same task? If it’s the former, you can use universal reporting to sum actual time with a filter for time entered date.

If it’s the latter, I am not aware of a way to do this currently (without needing to use the API or 3rd-party integrator like Zapier/Make).

@Jason_L_Hamilton, if an add-on is an option, you can use Screenful to report the time logged in Asana’s Actual time field. With it, you can create time tracking reports for a specific user for the selected date range across multiple projects.

You can learn more from this blog post.

Hi Stephen, so sorry for the late response. It is the former, only the owner of the task enters time. I’ll check into universal reporting.

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