Time Tracking - Identifying Total Time spent in a week and tasks with no time.

How can I get a list of tasks I worked on during the week (added comments, created, or completed) that don’t have any time logged?

Also, how can I get a report by project with my total time spent?

I did try using the time field (built in ASANA field) filter in the search but it doesn’t allow you to search for no time.

Hi @Jeanine_Scott2 , indeed reporting on time can be a bit challenging and limiting, I’m afraid.

Have you tried creating a global Dashboard from your sidebar’s Insights>Reporting? You can leverage the time fields there, but I don’t think it will show you tasks with no logged time.

I did end up creating a few dashboard reports which are showing me total time spent by day but I can’t find a way to create a list that shows me all the tasks I worked on that don’t have any weekly time logged. The best I can do is see which days have < 8 hrs logged and then refer to my search of everything I worked on that day.

Hi @Jeanine_Scott2, yes unfortunately I don’t think there is an easier way of doing this, currently.

But perhaps with advanced operators in filters, hopefully coming soon, this might be possible…

@Jeanine_Scott2 - Just to confirm, what you’re wanting to see is a list of tasks where:

  • You created within the last x days
  • Added comments within the last x days
  • Completed this within the last x days


  • Do not have any time entries logged within the last x days?

Is that right?

What about situations where

  • You edited the task description within the last x days
  • You edited a particular custom field (e.g., a status field) within the last x days

In the list/report showing you all of this, what all would you want to see and what would you want to be able to do with it? I’m assuming you’d want to be able to potentially add time entries to tasks where you performed some activity but didn’t log an entry?

Here’s some things that come to mind:

  • A record of tasks where activity occurred whether or not any discrete time entries within the past x days grouped by those that do have time entries and by those that do not.
  • With perhaps freedom to group and subgroup based on your preference. e.g., grouped by project, by day, etc.

You have it right – although I was hoping to use the modified date vs. checking all the field updates (if that’s even possible).

Basically, I’d like anything I modified that don’t have any time entries logged within the last x # of days. When I use the ‘Actual Time’ filter it doesn’t work well when generating reports. Sometimes it returns nothing when I know there are tasks matching the criteria and sometimes it returns data but there is nothing in the time field – when there should be time.

I’ve kinda given up on that particular report. I at least was able to build portlets that calculate the time spent by day and by project. I suspect the Actual Time field provided by ASANA doesn’t play nice in reporting. It’s a child record yet there is no way to filter by date on time recorded.

I hear ya. The current way the in in-app search is set up it doesn’t support showing tasks with no “Actual Time” logged…and even if it did, it doesn’t have a way to filter even further to show whether any “Actual Time” was logged within the last x days.

Regarding Modified Date
Yep, that’s the approach I had in mind. Though, if it produces too much noise, then we can always filter out certain events based on what we get back.

You mentioned you build some portlets. Did you build them yourself or are you using a third-party extension? I have some ideas on how we could do what you’re looking for.

I built them within the reporting functionality. I called them portlets but I think the right terminology is charts. It’s a bit clunky but if I enter my time religiously throughout the day it’s workable.