✅ The checkbox that will expose your project data

I recently invited a guest on a task. I wanted to give them access to that task specifically. And at the bottom of the invitation box, I saw the following checkbox « Share only this task (hide all other project data) ».

Capture d’écran 2021-05-26 à 10.16.06_censored_censored

I have never been so confused. What does that mean? What is « project data »? Honestly, that seems like a feature an intern dev and product manager put together :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, we tried a few things. Turns out if you don’t check that box, you invite the guest as a project member :scream:

Be careful!

:fr: Version française


The default should really be to share just the task, NOT the whole project…there is already another way to explicitly share the whole project, so no need to duplicate that.

Especially so for a recipient outside the organization domain. It is poor security practice to have massive external sharing be an opt-out selection. Truly, this is not well thought through. Thanks for advising us @Bastien_Siebman .


Great post, @Bastien_Siebman , and I agree 100% @Stephanie_Oberg.

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Thanks for raising this point!

this is crazy

@Bastien_Siebman, I don’t see that checkbox so I imagine this is an A/B test.

While I agree it should be more clear, @Stephanie_Oberg’s point is really key.

So does the box appear checked by default? It should be. If it is not, I’d say that would be a very bad design choice because what led you to that dialog would not be matching the default setting in the dialog–to share a task.

Whether it should be there at all is questionable, but if it is, it should be the default to share the task only, and the consequence of changing it should be much better conveyed.




Nope, it’s unchecked by default. :frowning:

I’d be very interested to hear the rationale for that! Wonder what I’m missing…



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I was checking this behavior and found another potential problem.
When the task is added to multiple project, the invitee is added only to one of the projects. In my case, it was the top-most project in the project field of the task. This behavior makes sense, but I don’t think users can exactly expect this behavior.

In addition to selecting the checkbox by default, it might be also good to rephrase the message to either:

  • Share only this task (when you untick this checkbox, the invitee will be added to {project_name} and they can see all other project data) or
  • Share only this task (when you untick this checkbox, the invitee will be added to all projects and they can see all other project data) * if the behavior will change

Hi all :wave:t2: Thanks for providing this feedback! I just wanted to follow up and let you all know that this feedback has been submitted as part of our Voice of Customer process. While I don’t have any updates to share right now, I’ll let you know if anything comes up :slight_smile: