When I create a new project from my template, the column order doesn’t populate in the order I have in my template.
Hello @Chantelle_Drury,
does your project template have some special sort or filter set?
Because if so then these don‘t carry over, see point 7 in this list.
No we don’t have any sort or filter. I just have the columns ordered differently.
Oh do you potentially mean columns in list view such as assignee, due date, creation date, etc and not the sections?
Because if so then it might have to do with which ones you have visible or hidden like this user explained as well here ?
This is my template:
when I use it to create a new project, it doesn’t keep the columns in that order. So I have to change the order of the columns after I use the template to create a new project.
So this is what you see when you click “edit template”? Can you try to create a project from the template, amend it the way you need it and store it again as a fresh template? Does the same thing happen?
Because I have just tested it on my end and I am unable to reproduce the issue
Template and custom fields are displayed in the following order
And for the project I created from the template the exact same order shows in list view.
I created a new template, and when I create a new project from the new template, it still puts the due date just after the assignee column, even though I have the due datein a different spot in my template.
Was this ever resolved? I am having the same issue. When a new project is created from a template, Collaborators and Dependencies are hidden, I have to manually toggle them to visible, even though they’re visible in my template.
Also having this same issue which appears to be a bug. I followed the steps of customizing the fields in Step 1 of template creation but my project created from the template doesn’t show all the fields, and the fields that do show don’t appear in the same order as my original templates. It’s mainly the project and dependencies fields that don’t show up in the new project. Moreover, they don’t even show up as options at all until I move fields around on my board and save the view. Then I will see projects and dependencies as options to show/select. I’ve created many different templates to resolve this issue but always run into the same problems.
I’ve found a way to work around the bug! Once you create a new project from a template, your fields might not show up in the right order. Before doing anything, navigate over to the overview tab or a different view in the same project. Then go back to your list view and the fields should now show up in the right order. Its a weird hack but seems to work for me.
I am also having this problem. Assignee and Due Date show up initially as the first two columns. In my template, I have Due Date hidden and Assignee is in a different location. This does seem to be a bug since if I switch to a different tab and switch back to list view as mentioned by Kota1, the colunms appear as intended.
It doesn’t appear this bug has been fixed. I tried your workaround, and it moved one column but left the other in the incorrect location. Does anyone know when this will be resolved?
Hi @Rob_Diaz , welcome to the forum
I tried this the other day and seemed to work for me. Which columns are you trying to relocate? Assignee or Due date perhaps?
Sorry for the delay –
“Due Date”.
I can move it manually. I set the position of “Due Date” and “Status” in the template. When a project is created it’s out of position on the list view. I must move it manually and save the view for it to match the template…
Hi @Rob_Diaz , I would need to test this but I have a feeling that the Assignee and Due date columns, for some reason, by default are set to the 1st and 2nd columns, right after the task names. Other custom fields can be ordered beyond that and will be retained in a project created by the project template.
I sent an email with a screenshot, which returned with this error message.
We’re sorry, but your email message to [“incoming+6e4378653ba5caad8ec48461758a1ecc@asana.discoursemail.com”] (titled RE: [Asana Forum] [English Forum/Tips and Tricks] template column order) didn’t work.
Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.
If you can correct the problem, please try again.
Hi @Rob_Diaz , can you try posting one screenshot directly in the forum instead of email because it is lukely picking up other media, perhaps logos in your email signature.
This is a screen shot of a current project. The due date should be by the assignee. I manually moved the “status column” to the assignee’s left. I have to move both every time.
It wont allow me to upload the 2nd screenshot, showing the template layout