Table field/format in forms

I’d like to suggest the inclusion of a Table question/property option in forms for enhanced automation and better organization.

As a Project Manager responsible for a creative team, my goal is to create a highly automated form that can cater to the needs of teams throughout our organization. This involves providing options for teams to make selections via dropdowns, multi-selects, or numerical input whenever possible.

My current challenge arises when I set up a multi-select question for teams to choose the deliverables they require. I find it difficult to group and organize relevant information associated with each deliverable, such as the quantity needed or specific requirements. Even with the use of branching, the branched questions related to the multi-selected items appear after the main deliverable question and are not associated with each specific asset. When the form is submitted, this is the same and it is very unclear what is being requested.

To provide context, consider our Social Media team. They select their team, followed by a multi-select list of deliverables, which they can check off. For instance, they might choose Instagram Post, Instagram Story, and Facebook Story. In the case of the Instagram Post, I would like to create branched questions for Quantity (number field), Additional Info/Requirements (text field), and similar details. These branched questions should be available for each multi-select option. However, the current issue is that all these additional branches for each deliverable option are grouped together after the multi-select question. Other than labelling each branched question something like “Instagram Post: Quantity” and having a very long form if they select more than one option, I’m not sure how to make this work.

I believe that introducing a Table question/property option in forms where certain cells are editable by the submitter (i.e. quantity etc) would be the ideal solution to keep all this information organized and associated with the respective deliverables. In the past, we relied on a separate document outside of Asana, which needed to be provided within the form. However, this approach feels redundant, and I am committed to streamlining our request processes.

If there are other ways this could be done however, please let me know. Thank you!


Welcome, @Brittany_Tapper,

Good idea! Don’t forget to vote at the top with the purple button; like I just did!

