Hi @Audrey_Patry-Herard, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback with us! As it stands, subtasks don’t inherit the project and for this reason they don’t appear in Portfolio or Workload. As a workaround, you can add the subtasks to the project following these steps: How to Use Asana subtasks | Product guide • Asana Product Guide. I’m afraid I don’t have updates on when subtasks will automatically appear in Portfolio and Workload but we will update this thread Ability to view assigned SUBTASKS in Portfolio>Workload as soon as we have any news!
I also recommend you these threads where our community have shared good tips:
- 📘 The tale of Jerod the unwise in the subtask maze
- (Learn to) Use Subtasks!
- 💡 Subtasks: when to use them, when not to use them
I hope this helps!