Status updates to Slack

I would like to be able to create a rule in Asana (or a slash function in Slack) that sends published project/portfolio status updates to a Slack channel automatically.
The goal would be that whenever a status update is published, it is shared in the channel the same way it works for tasks. We have lots of colleagues who have all Asana notifications turned off so it would be great to funnel them just the high-level status updates on a project to stay aware of what’s happening without getting the notifications on the progress of every individual task.


Anyone successfully set this up by looping in a third tool (Zapier)?


Same here, looking for an answer!

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I am also interested in this - if anyone has a hack/solution, please share :pray:


I’m attempting to use Asana to run a few parallel projects with a department in my company. We’re utilizing the project status updates as an opportunity to wrap up the recent happenings into a summary for our full department to see (i.e. asynchronous meetings, yay!).

I would LOVE to get these updates posted into our departments slack channel - is there an easy way to pull this off? I notice that the updates are considered “messages” on the project, but I still can’t find a reasonable way to connect project messages with Slack either.


This feature will be very helpful. The status updates look amazing in Asana, so it would be impressive to post them in a Slack channel for a larger audience that has no access to the project. Thanks!


Big +1, not everyone in my Org is in Asana, would be great to prompt me to post my status updates to slack and/or email.

Instead, I’m just going to post slack updates without bothering with an Asana status update.


+1, absolutely ridiculous this isn’t already a feature…

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A nice hack here would be:

  • In slack, create a channel email address
  • In Asana, add the email address to the project, comment only
  • In slack, accept the invite (note: no need to follow full set up process, simply click the accept button)
  • In Asana, set notifications to ‘status update’ and/or ‘message’ to receive the updates in to the slack channels

It’s a workaround and not ‘super clean’ but does the job!


@Rich_Upton Thanks for the workaround!

This would be incredibly helpful!! Pretty much every other action I take in my project’s Asana board sends an update to the connected Slack channel, EXCEPT for the Status Update, which seems like it would be one of the main things I’d expect it to send.



Came here looking for this feature as well. Asana, please make this happen. It would be extremely valuable to all Program Managers in my org!

Hi @Emily_Cosnotti, welcome to the Community Forum! Don’t forget to upvote this feature request at the top of this thread. :arrow_up: :+1:

I believe I saw this request in the general forum a few years ago, but I’m wondering if anyone has any insight into whether this is possible now, even if we use connected tools like Zapier.

This type of feature push would really spur the productivity of my team, as not everyone who uses Asana is as active, and seeing these status updates for our team portfolio of cultivated projects would be a game-changer for synergistic opportunities and celebrations.


I am assuming that this feature is not rolled out yet? Would be very helpful!

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Came here looking for this feature as well. Asana, please make this happen. It would be extremely valuable to be able to send Project Status Updates to a Slack channel for all senior management to see than dig through each of the projects.


If I spend time writing the code and ship it to you, will you integrate it so I don’t have to create another slack bot to use at work?


We would absolutely love to see this Zap available as well! Even when we check Asana regularly, our Slack channels are where the notifications are turned on & delivering project status updates to Slack would be a game changer.

The ability to push a status update to Slack using rules would be a game changer for my company.


I would love to see this available! The fact that project updates aren’t shared even via the Asana app notifications is especially problematic. I stay on top of every Asana task in Slack – a game changer. Having to go to my Asana Inbox just to read project updates is incredibly disruptive to the workflow. It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard that it takes this many years to implement!

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