Standard tasks for irregularly reoccurring milestone?

I run a program that meets irregularly (i.e. instead of the first Saturday of every month, or every two weeks, we might meet on September 1, September 13, and then not again until October 3). I have generally the same tasks for each program (things like gather materials two days before, send reminder a week before).

Is there a way to automatically create a “template” of sorts that will allow me to do this?

The schedule is set at the beginning of the school year, so what I’ve done in the past is use a CSV upload with each program date as a milestone, and then just manually copy and paste the tasks with T-x days as the start and due dates.

They would all be in the same project and assigned to me, if that matters. I primarily use “My Tasks” as my default view, so subtasks aren’t the right solution (and from what I can tell would still require manually changing the date on each).

Hi @Leah_Finkelman_Kagan ,

Yes you can! There are several options.

  1. Use Task templates
    This allows you pull a milestone from a template complete with subtasks. I know you said this isn’t the solution, but subtasks assigned to you should appear in my tasks. So make sure you assign yourself on task and subtasks in the template.

Sadly, currently you can only set due dates for these as no. of days in the future. Asana is considering improving this: Create a rule for a subtask to be due a certain number of days BEFORE the parent task's due date

  1. Use Project templates

You could make the meeting a project, and plan relative to the one date (days before AND after)

You could also decide to use the project template only to create the task/milestone and dependent tasks and/or subtasks with relative dates.

Adding dependencies will allow to easily reschedule.

Create a portfolio and set the template to automatically add each project to it and you’ll have an easy overview of all the meetings.

For an in depth look at project templates take a look at this article: Leveraging project templates - a deep dive

Assuming this solves your question I’ve marked this as a solution.

Let me know if you have any further questions.