Every project manager need this option but its still missing:
Right now you need to open every task in all boards to check: is there any update in the task?!
Of you use Asana in small projects this will be okay to handle. But of you have many tasks and boards, you need to have advanced sort option like: sort by last update.
Most of all good peoject managment software can handle that and bring you in few seconds to last updated results. Nur weil can not find this option in asana.
Next issue: why there is still no advanced search to Search also in documents and custom fields of task? Most of all Software can do this.
Hi @Thomas_83, welcome to the Asana Community Forum.
This would definitely be a useful feature, thanks for providing this feedback! Hopefully this is something our Product team can introduce in the future. I’ll let you know if I have any updates to share
Its realy not possible right now? So many customer, so many options and so many years of development… but this basics of everybody daily process is still missing? Wow!
So lets say we have all the positive benefits of your software… but is it, if you are not able to handle it because if you have 10 or more you will lose every overview of your tickets. And if you have not only one board, for example you have 5 boards, you will waste your time to manage projects with asana. Because how you will manage the tickets? Project manager will start his day to check “what is new” and right now there is no option to see this with some clicks. So they need to open every board and every ticket one by one. Its feeling like working with no project management. Sorry i have to say this. This is dramatic. We will migrate this week all our projects/boards to another software back, because there is no project manager in the space they will handle his boards in this flow. Every person in my company told me: its nice, but sorry, we have no time to check every ticket one by one to know what tickets are updated…
And i cant belive it will be okay for any other asana project manager?!
in facebook groups and also here in this forum many user still asking for this option. First asking user is from year 2020… but one year later this basic needed option for every project manager is missing. Its like selling an great car but without wheels.
I’m happy to announce we are launching the new Metadata Fields! Going forward, you will be able to add the following fields to the project list view by toggling them on from the Customize Menu:
Created on
Created by
Completed on
Last modified on
Once you add the “Last modified on” field to your project list view, you can sort and filter your tasks by this field
just a quick note to let you know Metadata fields are now supported on mobile both for projects and My Tasks. We hope you enjoy this latest addition and we look forward to hearing your feedback