Sort by Date Added to Project rather than Date Created

I’ve got a head scratcher here - we’re trying to set up custom reporting through zapier and google sheets, and I’ve got to manually add a bunch of old tasks. This is easy enough with an advanced search + downloading the CSV, but I’ve run into an issue.

The way our workflow works, tasks are often created by one team in a different project (let’s say project A) at some point in time, and it is then eventually moved to the project that I’m trying to track (project B).

This means that when my search in B sorts everything by creation date, it’s using the dates the task was initially created in A, not when it was added to B.

I believe these are called “stories” from my brief peruse through the API. Is there any conceivable and non-prohibitively complex way to get this value for all the tasks? I’d be happy if I could even just add a column to the CSV for each task that contains all the stories, and I can filter with some sort of query.

These are indeed stories, and you have to query them through the API, and analyse the long list of items you’ll get as an answer… No easy access to the “date it was added to the project”, at least according to me. @Phil_Seeman what do you think?