Siri Shortcuts Support

Asana + Siri Shortcuts would allow for some great automations to make iOS based Asana work much more productive. Are there any plan for this?


Hi @Hans_Rippel :wave:t3:

As you probably know, Asana already integrates with Siri (New Siri Integration with 3rd Party App, Asana); so I’m curious to know what shortcut you envisioned? Would you mind elaborating your thought and maybe give us a couple of examples?

I’d love to be able to setup shortcuts that jump straight into a specific project, add a new task assigned to myself with a specific due date and have the description entry activate for me to fill in. Something like this and many other possibilities would allow users to to jump right in to where they need to be for specific workflows.

At the moment Asana’s Siri integration is fairly basic and I end up mostly entering tasks manually. Is it possible to add a new Siri created task to a specific project with a due date and assigning it to someone?


Thank you so much for providing this additional info @Hans_Rippel, I’l make sure to keep you posted as soon as I have some updates on my end!

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I could give many more example if it is helpful for you guys. One such would be, to active a Shortcut that starts Otter (a meeting transcription app), copies the transcribed meeting into a new task in Asana and places it into the selected Meeting Notes project.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Siri integration

Hans, I totally agree with you that comprehensive Siri shortcuts integration should be at the top of Asana’s development to do list.

One thing to note though, is that you can already jump directly to a project using Siri shortcuts. Do you do that, you just use a workflow that opens the URL of the project you want to go to. When you open it through Shortcuts, is the project will automatically open in the Asana app.

Hope that helps a bit.


I’m all in on Siri shortcuts and would love a workflow there. This would be amazing for testing on iOS for web development. Screenshot and create a bug report from a share sheet straight in to Asana. Or being able to mark a specific repeating monthly task from a Siri voice command. The possibilities are endless we just have the ability to tap in to it


Thanks for your feedback @Mohamed_Hamad and for providing us with feedback on how useful these Siri shortcut could be useful to you; this is super important to help us make decisions for future improvements!

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+1 on Siri Shortcut integration. Now that iPad has it’s own OS, I think this should become even more important as the iPad becomes more of laptop replacement and Siri Shortcuts enable efficiencies for iPad based workflows.


Me and my colleagues are using Siri in Russian, so that “in Asana” or “using Asana” phrases are not available. There is no opportunity for us to create a task by voice. That will be great to have shortcuts


Jump into a particular project would be really useful.

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I agree with @Ross2!!!

Isn’t Asana already integrated with Siri? Need to add to Siri Shortcuts?

What’s the deal here. No apparent iOS shortcut support AT ALL for Asana. This is super important to productivity folks.


Agreed. Would love to have add/edit/assign shortcuts available.

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Yeah this is definitely the top of my list as well. All I can really do right now is tell Siri to create a task. It doesn’t allow us to choose the project or another details. Just looking at that library of existing shortcuts within the app for other task-based applications and you can see a whole ton of use cases that don’t exist yet in a sauna

Feb 2024: is Siri Shortcuts supported in Asana?

I just want to create a new task for myself as I am typing my notes during the meeting. CMD + SHIFT + T , get a text prompt, type in a title, and boom boom boom: a task magically appears in Asana.

I would be ok to build my own thing if I could use REST APIs to create a task.