No matter what icon or color I choose for my base project, when I convert it to a template the color defaults to light gray and the icon defaults to the last icon in the list. I can’t find any way to change this in the template, please help!
Usually when Asana releases new features they are MVPs (minimum viable products) and then over time, they add in new functionality. Several advantages to this type of software release. Some process with the Home screen, Forms, Dashboard, and Goals to name some recently.
The short term disadvantage is the possible loss of some functionality.
So with your concern, you need to add those after a project is instantiated from the template. For now at least.
Over the next couple months you should see new functionality rolled out.
Upvote this point.
Changing the color/icon on the template directly is a quick fix which was existing before. It’s a proper time-saver if you want to stay structured in your projects.
Please fix this asap to make our life a little bit easier!
Yes, bring back the color option.; We need it for our organization!!!
Would save a bunch of clicks each time!
Same issues, I am not able to set my templates to the icons and color I want. When I convert it to a template the color defaults to light gray and the icon defaults to the last icon in the list. I can’t find any way to change this in the template, please fix this solution or bring the old template style back!!
Project templates should have the ability to have a colour and icon designated to them. For example: I have a project templated named SALE so whenever a Project is created from this template, the default business policy is for each SALE project to have Yellow Colour and a Star Icon. So, I have to manually go into each newly created SALE project (created from template) and apply the Yellow Colour and Star Icon. Asana should have the ability to apply a specific colour and icon to each project template.
Hello @umbrellaholdings, thank you for sharing your feedback. I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don‘t forget to upvote.
+1 for this feature!
Any day now I’m sure…
I’d also like to add that automation rules should be able to do this for projects. I have multiple projects in a portfolio and I’d like to change the color and icon based on a custom field status.
This would be a time saver for us as well for each client we launch 5 templates and have to manually change the color each time with wasted clicks. Please add the icon color setting in templates.
Hello, are there any updates to this? Is this change on the roadmap?
Adding my vote to this feature! We use the color/icon to quickly visually digest the types of projects in a large Portfolio- we very much want to hold that detail in our Templates!
I am very new to Asana (still in a trial) and I am really shocked that this hasn’t been addressed. As a newbie (coming over from the likes of ClickUp (and also tried Notion and years ago, Trello) I thought I was doing something horribly wrong with my templates, but after experimenting and wasting plenty of time I thought it must have been a limitation.
Then I jump on here to find it’s been a problem for close to two years??? Seriously???
I use emoji’s at that start of project names for that. Works like a charm.
Adding my vote to this feature! Any updates?
Adding another upvote to this! Orgs with many complex templates need this color/icon differentiation!
Adding an upvote as well!
Up vote for this feature