I reopen a new feed regarding the project templates.
After testing even further, I face some clear challenges.
The new template system is not intuitive and really hard to use for regular modifications. Here are just a few reasons:
- No timeline view : No clear overview of the template as timeline view is not existing. Setting up dependencies and controlling them is really difficult.
- Update subtasks : Subtasks count is not displayed in the template mode. You need to go in the details of the task to see them. Much more complex to understand the content and update once again as you can’t unroll the subtask like a normal project.
- Due date setup : Following the above points, if adding a new task or updating due date of your template, the current system makes it unreadeable. It’s really difficult to understand if a task is x days after another one. Having the calendar view was helping to know which day each task should go.
- No colour choice : Already upvoted topic Set icon and color in project template it’s highly relevant still today.
- Use template in another team: When creating a new project and using a template from another team, first useless step: You have to reselect the team you want to project to be created. Second really ridiculous point: Only a limited amount of teams is appearing! Meaning for new teams, our project managers have to move up the team so it appears in the menu! Why all teams are not simply loading while scrolling down like for the home page? I was really chocked to see such a poor integration of the new template system.
I’d like to have the choice to get back to the old system which was surely simpler but much more flexible.
The new system makes our life much harder (as many incremental changes done lately) as we will have to keep a project which will be updated regularly and then exported and then used and then renamed/recoloured accordingly…
This is really frustrating to have constant changes which aren’t making our lives easier. We try to adapt but this is really hard on this case.
I hope you can apply a quick solution to allow us to get this flexibility back!