Rule to set a custom field at project/portfolio level and have it trickle into project's tasks?

Hi All!

I was wondering if it’s possible to use a rule to connect a custom field’s value at the project level within a portfolio, to a different field within the project’s tasks. In my example, I’d like to set a video editor or motion graphics specialist and then connect that to the assignee field within certain sections of the project. Any way to do this?

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Hi @anon80648536 , that’s an interesting idea that I’m sure would help create a link between portfolios and project tasks, but unfortunately there isn’t a native way of doing this unless Rules are added to the Portfolio level, if ever. Not sure if any 3rd party integrations may do something like this such as, or :person_shrugging:

@Phil_Seeman ?


Your best chance I believe is custom coding, I have done this kind a couple of times, let me know if you want to dig deeper! (

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Thanks for the feedback and quick response, all!

@Richard_Sather Unito only learned about portfolios when I mentioned this to them :joy: so they’re not quite there yet either. I will explore Flowsana and Make further, thanks for those ideas.

@Bastien_Siebman, I will reach out to that address. Thanks! Excited to learn a bit more.

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