Revert to previous project list view on Team Page - Current view shows archived projects and it's out of order

I was shocked when I logged in this morning and saw all the archived projects sprinkled in through the project list. I now have to scroll through dozens of old client projects just to get to the correct active clients. This is seriously disrupting workflow. Please change it back!

This update has completely confused my team - please revert back so that weā€™re not seeing archived projects!

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Please go back to the old way!!


I also vote a huge no to this change. I run a R&D meeting every week with Asana and this update made a short meeting very long.

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Asana, please roll back this new development. As you can see, all of these folks on the thread want to be able to not see their archived projects. This is a huge step back for your product.

This has seriously impacted visibility, productivity, and efficiency at our marketing agency over the last few days. Time spent wading through thousands of completed, intentionally archived projects and searching for our active projects is an absolute burden on our people. If I wanted to see all these projects for each team, I wouldnā€™t have archived them.

Itā€™s impossible to see the current project loadsā€™ progress and status for each of our client teams at a glance now. The disruption to our workflow and operations cannot be overstated.

This A/B test should have been optional and for Opt-INS only ā€“ the fact that youā€™re testing this on paid, live, production environments with no warning to administrators is unconscionable. The fact that we cannot opt out of the incredibly disruptive experience is further insult. I would urge your product team to end this test ASAP and roll back any changes applied to paying customersā€™ production environments.


It is very frustrating that affected users were never notified. Please provide a way to opt out of testing this ā€œfeatureā€. Asanaā€™s decisions over the past year have been head-scratching, to say the least.


Iā€™m also having this headache. I had my projects in a specific order that wasnā€™t most recently created, due soon, or last modified.

My workflow now includes frequently scrolling through my entire project list whenever I canā€™t remember the name of one of my many assigned projects well enough to use the search bar. Even if I can remember the name, what was once a click scroll and click is now a click and a few strokes of the keyboard and click, which for me is a worse user experience.

I would like to be able to order all the projects as I like. I can do this for pinned projects, but there is a limit to how many projects can be pinned. (Obviously removing this limit defeats the purpose of a pin feature, but in this case if it was unlimited I would at least be able to pin them all as a workaround to allow myself to reorder all of the projects.)

Iā€™m glad that Asana is always experimenting with improving features but changing a feature so much that it removes what was previously possible entirely is something that should be avoided. Thank you for your diligence Asana team, please help us out with this feature!

We are also struggling with this! How would we pin our most current projects to the top?

How do you make any change like this and not allow people to opt out? This is absolutely horrible and has our management team rethinking using this software moving forward if changes like this are being implemented.

Our organization is completely thrown off now - projects are missing and out of order. Archived projects are back and should not be visible. How do you make a major change like this and not allow for input from your community before implementing?

Please, please discontinue the A/B testing. I was sure that it is bug, but it seems to be intentional change that breaks the list of the project in the team.

Iā€™m the Asana Ambassador here on our staff and have gotten multiple complaints about this change. What is the point of archiving a project if Iā€™m still going to see it? On behalf of our team at Midtown Fellowship in Nashville, TNā€¦ Please revert this back. Thank you!

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I agree with all thatā€™s been said by everyone else on this thread. We MUST be able to archive projects. I would also appreciate my company having the choice to participate in this A/B test. We wouldā€™ve opted out of this if this was an option. It is a major inconvenience, especially for companies that have hundreds of projects going at a time and tons of archived projects. Please revert this change.


This has been a disaster for me and my team in navigating our current projects. To all of the sudden make it necessary to navigate through dozens of archived projects for ā€œtest of new productsā€ is absurd. If we are being used as test subjects while changing the functionality of our experience, perhaps we should be compensated or given some kind of discount. I guess this is what six years of loyalty and promoting what a great tool Asana is on our social media gets you.

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What is the next step here? My team cannot keep wasting time sorting through archived projects and attempting to reorganize new ones. It seems loud and clear your users are not a fan of this change, especially since there is no OPT-OUT.


Currently I have a few teams that only support one project. I have noticed that if the one project is pinned to the team it removes the visibility of the board. Are other people having this bug? Any possible fixes?

I just experienced this issue as well. I was trying to pin projects as a workaround to a recent and horrible A/B test that impacted how our projects appear and are ordered in our teams. When all 4 projects in a team were pinned, they disappeared from the team overview, where it now says ā€œThis team hasnā€™t created any projects yet.ā€ However, and thankfully, I can still access our projects from the left side navigation when I hover over the team. I hope Asana fixes this and the project sort feature ASAP.

Definitely pretty rough, our team reorders our projects based on some specific criteria. Changing it to a sort has made is difficult to custom order our projects. We are still able to by pinning all the boards but itā€™s a very slow and inefficient way to do it.

I was able to find a workaround for the missing projects, you have to create a second project in the team and then the pinned project will appear and youā€™re able to unpin it. Kinda crazy that you canā€™t unpin the project from inside the settings of the board when viewing it!

Here is the message I received from Asana:

Apologies for the delay in my response. We are currently experiencing a large amount of requests and are trying to get back to our customers as quickly as we can.

I understand that you are unhappy with the current changes in your teamā€™s page. The behavior you described is due to an upcoming change that we are currently rolling out to our users. This change is part of our efforts to enhance the user experience and streamline project management processes.

At this time, we do not have the capability to disable this feature for users within the test range. However, please rest assured that your feedback is valuable to us, and I will personally submit it to our product team for their consideration as they continue to refine and enhance Asanaā€™s features.

Iā€™ve asked JM how long the test period will be. If it is permanent, we will consider switching away from Asana.

What other project management softwares do people recommend?, Notion, etc?

This current view is ridiculous, and the fact they did it without consulting or asking users to opt in is even worse.

The feedback is unanimous, Asana! This is not a welcome change. If you wonā€™t provide your customers with a way to opt-out, then PLEASE listen to the masses and stop this A/B testing ASAP!

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