Revert to previous project list view on Team Page - Current view shows archived projects and it's out of order

Dear Asana Leadership Team,

I am writing to you not just as a customer, but as a professional who has championed Asana within our organization, which commits thousands of dollars annually to your service. The recent changes to the Asana platform have caused a considerable disruption to our workflow, costing us time and efficiency – two assets we cannot afford to lose.

For the past two days, our teams have been grappling with the sudden integration of archived projects into our active project views. This unannounced shift has not only caused confusion but has also resulted in tangible setbacks to our productivity. We are struggling to understand the rationale behind this update, which appears to be fundamentally at odds with effective project management principles.

The value of Asana lies in its ability to streamline our work, not complicate it. I urge you to consider the impact such changes have on businesses like ours that rely on your system for daily operations. A failure to promptly address and rectify these issues not only undermines our trust in Asana but also calls into question the feasibility of its continued use.

We ask that you take immediate action to resolve these issues. As paying customers, we expect a certain standard of reliability and communication from Asana, and the past two days have fallen short of those expectations. We are eager to see a resolution that reaffirms our decision to invest in your platform.

Time is of the essence, and I look forward to your prompt attention to this critical matter.


@Emily_Roman and Asana team.

I agree with everyone here. This is a very debilitating change on several counts that I believe should be rectified immediately. Waiting until May will be VERY frustrating for many people!

  1. CAN’T HIDE ARCHIVED ITEMS: Since we can’t hide archive projects anymore, some of our project lists are massively confusing and difficult to navigate. At the very minimum please put the ability to hide archive projects back!

  2. CAN’T MANUALLY SORT PROJECTS: For years we’ve been teaching people to sort their projects manually so there is order in the teams. In one fell swoop that’s thrown out the window. To the point that even Project Placeholders are sitting in there without any order. If you want to keep the ability to sort projects in a team, at the very minimum please add a “manual sort” option to the list!

Thank you for your consideration!


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This is the worst update to arrive to a Monday morning. We have had 100s of projects, of course users need to sort by any number of filters…now my projects list is a cluster f653k!!

Please revert this back, it is extremely disruptive, or please provide solution you can customize filtering options more efficiently.

Otherwise great opportunity switch to Notion

What an absolute nightmare. Sorting is absolutely broken, projects unarchived and now a prompt to change comment only access.

No reply to support tickets, forums filled with angry users. I just dont understand how this is possible

It was just noticed today after a few of our employees upgraded their Asana, but we now don’t have the ability to filter out archived projects in the “Project List” for our Teams. It makes the full project list quite long and not as easy to navigate. It may have been longer than the update from yesterday, but we are just noticing.

-Log into Asana and go to a Team on the left hand side
-That team has projects assigned to it, under “Projects” you can see everything. Archived and Active projects show with no way to filter them anymore.

Using Chrome Version 123.0.6312.122
Also does this on Asana App version 2.1.2

We are using Asana Business

We are having the same issue at my company!!

See also the following thread and please vote with the purple Vote button at the top:

@Vanessa_N and @Emily_Roman, I think whatever is causing archived projects to show again should be rolled back asap based on the immediate outpouring of feedback (including my own take).




Any updates on this? We are experiencing the same issue. It is critical for our team to be able to filter out archived projects and rearrange the projects within the Team

Hi @Kory_Nadeau,

No updates as of now. It’s unlikely we’ll hear anything more over the weekend. If you haven’t yet, be sure to vote to revert this change in the thread shown in the post just above yours.

I appreciate asana’s spirit of always introducing new features and often, even if with a bit of initial disorientation, I manage to adapt and understand its purpose. But in this case I can’t really understand the need to bring up archived projects. Maybe the system is designed differently than how we use it? If not, please reverse this A/B on our company account, which is causing several difficulties (PS: I voted against the new version).

Agreed, this is an absolute nightmare. All archived projects now showing. Everything that was alphabetical is now all over the shop as it has to be recent, modiefied or due soon. I work for 5 record labels - all our artist are in alphabetical order for ease. Turn it back or at least give users to option. It was bad enough before having to take more steps to unarchive projects now to see them is dreadful. Please sort this out. Plus to go through lists and move them around - I have to press show more constantly. I find that you are making this much more complicated than it needs to be.

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Does not work for our team either. Has caused chaos without ability to hide archived projects and have the ability to custom order our projects

Disaster this end - and if not fixed will consider alternative systems! Would be nice to be asked!

We need this to revert it back NOW. This is a complete diaster.

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This change makes it nearly impossible to manage all of our projects. What is the point of archiving a project if it doesn’t go away???

Please revert back ASAP or give us the option to hide our archived projects again.

I am also dealing with this issue. Asana support has not been helpful. They just said they cannot select people to be “excluded from certain features”. This has made Asana unusable at the moment. I will need to assign someone to go through the project lists and pin them so we can actually function as a business. VERY poor customer service here and something I would not expect from a business as large and widely used as Asana. I have started to search for a competitor as this issue is compelling enough for me to consider going through the hassle of switching.

the same applies to us. it looks like it hasn’t been thought through to the end. from a project management perspective, it is completely useless and causes extra work.

This is an absolutely AWFUL change. It is causing total chaos for our team and making it really hard for us at a time when we are trying to get more of our organization to use Asana. These are huge barriers to that and need to be changed back asap.

Count me in as someone who hates this new update. It’s very important for our team to see active projects without the clutter of totally old and obsolete archived projects in the way. Asana please change it back - the other new sort features are fine, but we need active vs archive too.