Revert to previous project list view on Team Page - Current view shows archived projects and it's out of order

So… I’m an agency. And each client gets a dedicated Asana board… named after the client (duh). I now have to scroll through ALL my former clients over the past ~10 years to find the active client board I’m looking for.

Sort of like having to scroll through -and be reminded of- all your EXES in order to find your bf/gf or mom or best friend.


We work on over 170 project boards and they were all organized alphabetically. With this “test” that we didn’t sign up for, all of our boards our randomly listed and mixed with archived jobs making the list even longer. Please remove us from this test if possible.

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Could you please PLEASE revert the project list in Asana so that users can customize the ordering by project? I don’t want to see my archived projects. This is significantly disrupting our agency’s workflow.

+1 for better project list tracking on Team Page and side bar

Unclear which test group I’m a part of and some project organization features changed a while back to dissatisfaction as well, but main requests are:

  • Team page Sorting doesn’t have an alphabetical option; and manual sort effort I had implemented a few weeks ago is now reverted (waste of time!!!)
  • Left Side bar Team project list also not alphanetical
  • No direct examples but agreed Archived projects should not show in lists anywhere


AGREED! This feature is horrible. I’m glad to hear it’s a “trial” but it’s awful. We archive things for a reason and want to drag and reorder projects to match our workflow. This is very frustrating. Hoping this reverts back quickly…

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I voted and hope that whatever is causing archived projects to show again should be rolled back asap based on the immediate outpouring of feedback.



I second what everyone has said. This feature seems to bring no value and instead is causing more headache for our organization. Please revert this feature back or give the option to filter out archived projects.


Yes, what value does this bring! Please for the love of god revert this back or at least allow us to filter the archived projects so they aren’t in one large list!


This is awful. I about had a meltdown this morning. We’ve been using Asana since 2013. You can imagine how many archived projects we have.


This test has absolutely derailed how I manage projects and has caused me to lose all of my custom sorting. I’m the only PM and am in charge of over 30 clients. Sorting alphabetically and being able to archive the project once it is completed was a lifesaver. Now having archived projects intermixed in a randomly sorted list is huge time waste for me.
To have people be a part of this test with no option to opt-out is terrible.


This update is TERRIBLE. Please please please change it back!


FYI - I’ll be “testing” Teamwork next week. Got my demo scheduled for Tuesday.

We are on this, and can’t stand it.

Please revert back to how it was before.

Thank you.

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It is wild to me to pay so much money for a core tool, only to have them release updates that completely disrupt our processes with no warning at all.


We have over 2000 projects. This update is a horrific mess.
We had just gotten used to the last “upgrade”, now another.

After losing the ability to drag projects in the left bar, which was incredibly practical, we resorted to organizing projects from the team page. Now this page is useless.

Why can’t we sort by anything useful, like archive status, archive date, or project color?

We now have to star or pin every active project just to maintain anything resembling a useful list.

I would opt to pull my team over to a competing platform, but we are in far too deep.

Asana, please stop removing organizational tools. You should be adding them.


This is an absolute nightmare and is the worst change Asana has “tested” or rolled out in my entire history of using the application. This should be rolled back immediately.

  1. There is currently no way to sort or hide archived projects in the navigation
  2. The navigation is critical to our team’s usage of Asana
  3. We do NOT want the team to be able to see archived projects
  4. This makes Asana borderline unusable at the moment

As someone who has used and worked in SaaS for 10+ years, the ability of a project management tool to quickly navigate you to what you work on is key.

ps. this is like Gmail rolling out an A/B test where even after you trash an email it still shows up in your inbox OR after opening an email it still shows an unopened in your inbox.

The ability to sort and organize projects is THE point of a project management system. Asana should add the ability for ALL users in the A/B test group to at least “opt-out” of this change immediately.


Glad I’m not alone, this is complete chaos for our team as well. As a marketing agency we archive past clients but do not delete them in case we need the info at a later date. However, right now our teams are a list of past clients and active clients which is awful and confusing at the least and unusable at the worst.

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We have hundreds of projects, I can’t imagine with thousands. Sorry to hear that! I agree if I was you I’d be looking for another project management tool right now.

Unwilling Test Subject here. Custom Ordering and no archived projects is key to the 100s of projects we work on as team. Now I’m wasting time looking at things I dont need. Please change it back!

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Test “subject” here… I’ve adapted to all of the previous hoops on custom ordering and now it’s gone completely. Who exactly is requesting this feature degradation?