Restrict external collaborator access to specific tasks of a project

It would be really helpful if externally collaborators could be given access to within a project rather than access to the entire project especially where they are not required to monitor the progress of the matter internally

Hi @Samia_Yaqub , welcome to the forum :wave:

You can do this by either:

A. Assign or add them as a collaborator to a task.
This way, they will only see the task. However careful of any custom fields that are part of your library; these will be visible to them.

B. Create another project that you can share with them as a guest member and multihome any tasks that are relevant for them into that new project so they have a place where they can see all their tasks together.

The problem with A is that it may be difficult for them to see all tasks they are collaborating on. Option B solves that issue and is more user-friendly for them.

The best way to test all this is to create a dummy account for yourself using an email account which is NOT part of your organisation (like a gmail account) and add yourself as a collaborator to test what they would be able to see or not see.

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Hi @Richard_Sather Richard

Thank for the response, that’s really helpful, will give option B a go!

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