Remove headers from My Tasks section

Is there a way to remove section headers from the My Task view?

I don’t want to ‘complete’ it since it’s not a task and there’s no way to push it to the Later section either (which wouldn’t solve the problem, but at least remove it from my New Task section.

Hi @Tyler_Mathews. I might be wrong but I think tasks only show up in the My Tasks section if they’ve been allocated a due date. Do your section headers have dates attached? If so, remove them and that should solve the problem.

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Which headers are you talking about? Today, Upcoming, Later? You can toggle how to view my tasks by incomplete (default) or due date.

Tasks will appear in your My Tasks as long as you’re the assignee. Due dates (or lack thereof) don’t matter.

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Is it a section header that is part of a project? Why is it assigned to you? Sections, imo, should not be assigned to anyone in any project as they are simply dividers. If they’re trying to signify that you own that particular part of a project, I would put it in the section description, OR use a milestone task in that section and assign it to you.

Ooh, yes. I hadn’t realised that. Thanks.

I have the sections showing, even though they are not assigned to anyone. So is that the only criteria?

Slide nuance, I only see them in the Later section.

Ah yeah, that’s something to do with the Later function/organization in My Tasks. I do not know why the sorting is different in the Later section, but it is - it’s always grouped by project, so if a task is under a project section in that project, the section is there too (if there’s multiple tasks in diff. sections).

Upcoming/Today/New are not like that, only the later section.

Will this milestone task appear in the my task list sorted by due date? how is milestone task is different from regular? and how to enable it?

Sorry for the confusion, milestone tasks aren’t any different than regular tasks, it’s just a nomenclature thing based on what the task represents.

In this case, it’s a normal task, but it represents that section’s completion criteria. Say, if that section was for a website to be developed, perhaps the milestone task would be ‘X website successfully deployed to production’. And the person (usually project manager but maybe others) would be assigned the milestone as it’s their responsibility to oversee that particular part of the project.

I find this really odd because if I am trying to drag a task from new/ today/ upcoming into the later section how do I know where to drop it? Like I have so many freaking sections there. Man that is super annoying :frowning:

Managing my tasks (essentially the purpose of Asana) is really poorly implemented, making it almost un-useable.

We just need to be able to make our own categories and sections at our own discretion, and remove your sections.

It makes no sense the way you have it set up and makes managing tasks (especially without projects) impossible, which is the point of Asana. Stop trying to complicate it. I just need things like

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With your “recently assigned”, “today” (which even has tasks with August 1st due date??), and not being able to remove them* it’s a disaster. It gives me anxiety bc I can’t organize my tasks how I want.

I’d have to say I agree. My team and I feel similarly, that while the suggestions can live there, you should be able to remove them or relabel based on your needs. Asana is making the assumption that My Tasks is always used in the same way by different people.

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Agreed. And add the chance to use at least 1 or 2 custom fields (preferably unlimited), along with sorting (preferably multi-level).

Hi folks,

Thanks for your feedback,! We have an existing thread on this topic, so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing thread to gather all feedback and votes in one place!