Recurring Tasks status change

Hi Mohammed,

Maybe an idea for a workaround with rules (@Richard_Sather I’m curious what you think :eyes:)

If you have the chance to use the Asana Business plan (or above), you can benefit from the fantastic Customized Rules. With that feature, you could try to re-create a basic recurring task behavior, without using the actual recurring task features. This will allow you to automatically change your Custom Field for newly created tasks.

The ingredients

  • 1- A section dedicated to those recurring tasks (we will use the section as a trigger for the rule)

  • 2- An advanced rule that will create a new task every time the previous one is completed, every 7 days (steps 1,2,3,4,5) - see screenshot

Next screenshot is a zoom on the “View all fields” (5)
then select the right section for the new task (6)
then define the field “Status” to “Not Started” (7)

And the final result in a .gif
