Recurring Tasks dropping the Project

I’m not sure if I have missed a setting or something, but when my recurring task duplicates after completion it is dropping the project tag. Any ideas to troubleshoot this?

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Description and subtasks are kept for example, but not tags? Looks like a bug indeed…

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Definitely sounds like a bug, tagging @Alexis =)

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I should clarify that not every task is doing this. Yes, it’s just the project tag falling off and not other tags, or the asignee.

I am also having this problem - any pointers?

@Yvette_Myhill I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. This bug report has been filed and our product team is aware. We hope to see an update soon. Thanks!

Hi there, we use Asana predominantly for recurring tasks. I am finding that the recurring tasks are dropping out of the project to which they are assigned. When I look in the project to see that the task is no longer there, I wonder if it has dropped out completely and the person to whom the recurring task is assigned can no longer see the task. I then have to go back to the completed tasks and assign a project to them so they appear in the project again. This is time consuming and to be honest, it’s driving me crazy. I am also seeing that when I look at the task (with no project assigned) that it has also lost its recurring task characteristic. I’ve noticed that this has been a problem since September 2017. Any idea when it will be fixed?

Hi @Mel_Palmer - This could be a bug or it may be a misunderstanding of the feature. I’m not seeing any reports of this logged internally, so let’s see what we can do - I’m happy to report this if need be.

Using Asana personally, I’ve had issues with accidentally clicking a button that effectively “un-dos” or “ends” the recurring task. I suspect that may be what is happening here. Have you confirmed that the original tasks are not in “all tasks” or “completed tasks” view?

There is no way for a task to automatically drop out of a project. So, if the task is no longer there it means it has been removed from the project manually.

My best guess is that what you’re seeing is accidental clicks on behalf of teammates. It could be an opportunity for a refresher on common “oops” moments in Asana.

If you’re confident that is not the case, then please send us screenshots of before (if possible) and after, and share the browser you’re using and we’ll go from there. Thanks!

Hi Alexis,

It is happening too much for it to be an accident. It’s only happening with tasks assigned to others. Could it have something to do with the task being assigned to a guest user (not member)?


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We’re having the same problem. It happened to multiple users on multiple recurring tasks. They complete the original task, then the new one created has no project. I doubt we manually removed the projects.

Needless to say, this is a major problem. I am trying to “program” the business in to Asana with various recurring tasks, and the it’s not acceptable for their project classifications to disappear.

Unfortunately, I have discovered that recurring tasks always drop out of a project in these 2 cases:

  • Comment only project
  • Private project where member assigned to task doesn’t have project level edit access

I think recurring tasks should simply always copy over the project, this is the expected behavior for anyone setting up recurring tasks in these instances. I had a lot of work erased after discovering all the recurring tasks I set up for the team lost their project/section organization.

We have noticed the same functionality described by @Daniel11. This issue seems to occur on tasks assigned to others within Private Projects. @Alexis, has this issue been added to Asana’s product backlog?

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I confirmed that this is a serious issue. It happens whenever a user is not assigned to a project but IS assigned to a tasks. Both public and private projects effected. @Alexis can you give an ETA as to when the bug will be fixed? Thinking about upgrading but need recurring tasks that work. Thanks all for identifying the bug!

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Hi there! This has been filed as a bug. Hopefully we’ll see an update soon. We’ll provide updates when we have them! :slight_smile:


@Alexis - is there an update on this? Seems like the big hasn’t been fixed on my side. Thank you!