I’ve just looked all over the asana forums and help pages. It turns out there is no way a 2-way sync is possible. However, I found one tool called Automate.io which has a creative workaround. Their support team helped me out with it. I have another call with them in sometime. I’ll tell you the whole process after that.
It is our goal to make this 2-Way Sync as convenient as possible. We just recently released this 2-Way Sync as a bot pack that can be installed in the bot store.
Do you have a document detailing this, it is difficult to follow on the you tube version. Also, I am not seeing the same options you are when completing the process. I have no SyncID option, just Sync with ID?
Hi @Ray_O_Halloran,
The “Sync with ID” is the correct value to use. This was changed after the video was released. Otherwise, if you follow the steps in the video, it should work correctly for you.
We are planning to release a new video when the faster and simpler sync is available.
The fact that this has not been resolved by Asana in the 2 years since this issue was flagged is bizarre. It’s clearly a HUGE pain for users. I am just testing out Asana with our team and its one of the 1st things I have looked to solved after our initial setup.
I need to be able to keep track of meetings, tasks and calls on my calendar and for changes to my tasks to be pushed back into Asana. This isn’t rocket science and is pretty common across all businesses.
Time to step up and deliver for your customers team Asana!
Hi @Joe_Black1,
As an option for syncing to other calendars, you can use zzBots to fully 2-Way Sync between Asana and Google Calendar, Apple iCloud Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook Calendar.
@Orin_Hutchings When you say 2-way, does this mean if you set a task to be due today at a certain time, and then drag/change the time of that event that shows on gcal, will it update the time field asana?
@Jake_Kushner Yes, it will change the time both ways. If you change the time in Google Calendar, it will also change in Asana. It will sync all day events or specific times both ways.
After looking at this thread (not the first feature I am missing from Asana) I seriously doubted and checked weather Asana is still supported/developed. It is such an annoying half-solution that Asana tasks with specific due dates show up as all day events. Come on Asana team, pls!
To others looking for this, I just want to shout out to @Orin_Hutchings and ZZBots which has pretty much perfect 2 way asana ↔ google calendar sync. Set it and forget it, this thing works perfectly. You can even have a link to the asana task in your calendar event, and when you move the calendar event for the task to later in the day, the due time can be updated in Asana. Pretty awesome if you want to “time block” your work for the day.
(No, I’m not paid in any way to post this review!)
I’m looking for a Project Management Tool AND an Appointment Calendar Scheduling Tool (like Acuity Scheduling) built into one.
I’m have a time researching the best PMT for my boss, but if I could find a PMT AND Scheduler in one, that would be the dream.
I see a lot of good things about Asana, but not to have it intergrade with my iCal and my bosses iCal, is an issue.
If I’m missing something please advise, I’m trying to collaborate with others with my challenge. I have reached out to Capterra and awaiting their response.
From the Sync to Calendar popup window in Asana, highlight and copy (but do not click) the entire link found in the iCAL, Outlook, or Other Calendar tab.
Joe, sorry for the delay. I do not check the forum as often as I should. We have Google Calendar and O365 calendar support at the moment. We are excited to be releasing our GSuite app shortly, which will allow you to update the task details, re-assign the task, view / add comments, and mark tasks as complete all without leaving Google Calendar.
See below for a screenshot of work in progress thus far.