Re-assigning Tasks back to original owners

Hello! I have not been able to find any discussion on this topic, curious if anyone has found a need for a similar solution.

I would like to build in an automation that re-assigns tasks based on a Status column. It is possible to do this by re-assigning to a specific individual, but not to the original owner, if that owner varies.

Example: One task is owned by a designer, Judy. Another task is owned by designer Roger. When Judy or Roger sets the status as ‘for review’, tasks should always be re-assigned to the Creative Director, Ashley. This is possible already. BUT when Ashley changes the status back to ‘in progress’, these tasks should be assigned back to their original owners. There is no automation to assign to ‘previous task owner’ or ‘original task owner’ or something along those lines.

(In other similar softwares, I was able to add a column with a person who was not the official assignee but was assigned to the task as ‘desiger’ or ‘project manager’, then use automation to re-assign based on this designation. Would love something similar as well!)


Hi @anon38157793, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:


Hi @Rebecca_McGrath,
I just wanted to follow up on this feature if it was ever implemented. As I’m looking for something like this but don’t seem to find any action that can do this. Thanks in advance!

Hi @Joseph_Juarez,

Is “the original owner” the user who created the task?

If so, and you have Asana Business or Enterprise and thus can create custom rules, then this is possible; in the “Set assignee” rule action, click “Assign task to variable assignee” and then select “Task creator”.

If it’s not the task creator and/or you’re on a lower subscription level, then you can do it using our Flowsana integration; let me know if you need more details on that approach.

@Phil_Seeman No so the task creator would not be the one who I would like to be assigned.
Using the same example as Morgan listed, the task creator would be (in my case) Ashley, and she then assigns them to Judy and Rodger respectively.

  1. (Ashly creates task and assigns to each person)
    Ashley —> Judy
    Ashley —> Rodger
  2. (Once they complete the task, they reassign to Ashley and the task converts to Mark as Approval)
    Judy —> Ashley
    Rodger —> Ashley
  3. (Once Ashley marks task as approved, it converts back to Complete Task and should re-assign automatically back to Judy and Rodger to finish off the task)

This is really what I’m looking for. Also, thanks for the quick response!

Hey @Joseph_Juarez,

What you want can definitely be done using Flowsana. If you’re open to using Flowsana, please send the info you just posted in your message above to and we can for sure give you details on how to do it (I try not to use the Asana forum here for detailed Flowsana instructional conversations).