Asana automatically reassigned a completed task to me

Why did Asana automatically reassign this task to me and how do I make it stop? I recognize the lightning bolt as being an Asana rule, and the second action of moving it to my Completed section is a custom rule I have set, but I don’t have a rule for assigning tasks to me and this is the first time I’ve seen this happen. My colleague tagged me in a comment just to give me an update, but the task should’ve stayed hers when she completed it.

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HI @Rebecca_Koehler this is a rule running. If you go into the project and go to customise there might be a rule there. Also there is a thing at the moment of when you @ someone there is a tick box where you can click to reassign the task to that person.

Thank you Danielle! This particular task was a subtask of something else and not in a project itself, so I don’t think a project rule was the cause. I have seen that tick box in the past, and that might’ve been what happened, but I also can’t seem to get it to show up again in other tasks to verify. It also seems like the activity of being assigned to me would’ve happened when she posted the comment instead of after marking it Complete, though, if that were the case.

@Rebecca_Koehler - The little lightning bolt indicates that this was a rule action. If you hover over the lightning bolt, you can see which rule made the change. Rules on projects can be set to apply for tasks and subtasks if desired, so that might be what’s happening here.

RE: the checkbox to re-assign, I don’t think that’s applicable here (when you do that, it says that x assigned this task to y instead of showing it as a rule action). That said, I think that feature is currently in an A/B/C test, so different people in your org may see different behavior when they @ people in a comment right now.

Thanks Stephen! I hovered over the lightning bolt like you suggested and it looks like the same rule prompted both actions. I went to My Tasks > Customize > Edit for the rule about moving Completed tasks to that section, but I don’t see anything there about assigning tasks to myself. It is set to run on both tasks and subtasks, but I thought it should just be running on tasks that were already assigned to me and in My Tasks… not reassigning tasks from someone else to me.

@Rebecca_Koehler - to confirm, you checked that hover for both actions and they said they were from the same rule, correct? If so, that’s very bizarre, as you’re correct that a rule in your My tasks should only apply to tasks there (which are, of course, already assigned to you as you mentioned).

Does this happen for other tasks? <y only thoughts are either you accidentally hovered over the same action when checking (the icons are tiny) or someone else will need from the community will need to weigh in.

@Stephen_Li Yes, I hovered over both actions and they refer to the same rule. I’m assuming now that it was just some sort of glitch because it hasn’t happened again.

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How odd, glad it’s not happening anymore!

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So, this just happened again (only the 2nd time now) on a different task with a different colleague in a different project. This new task had at one time been assigned to me, but the first task this happened on had never been mine. I was only ever a collaborator on that first one. I’m new to the Forum, so should I be posting this someplace now or contacting someone else about the possible glitch?


Hi @Rebecca_Koehler,

I moved this thread to the Report a Bug forum section. You should be hearing from Asana (probably @Vanessa_N) shortly.

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Thank you, Phil! I appreciate your help.

Hi @Rebecca_Koehler and @Phil_Seeman, sorry for the delay!

Rebecca, would you be able to send me a DM with the URL link for this task? I think we would need to check the logs on our end to understand what’s going on. Thank you!

Closing this thread since Rebecca got in touch with @Vanessa_N and our support team! :slight_smile:

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