Provide project status updates without sharing the project?

I have a portfolio with several related projects. I want to give visibility to the project updates to some managers, but I do not want them to have access to the projects themselves (they should not see the tasks for each project). I thought giving them access to the portfolio would be sufficient but it seems not. What is my best option here?

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Hi @Casey_Hebding , you need to add people as members of a project to be able to see it in a portfolio. But, thst only applies if the projects are inaccessible to those people. If the projects are NOT private then you could simply add the managers to the Team(s) that contains the projects of the portfolio. That way, they have access to the projects without actually being members of the project.

If the projects were in a public team or the projects were shared with the Organisation instead, then you wouldn’t need to add them to any team or project - they would simply see them within your portfolio without being members of any projects, but they would not get notified of Status updates being posted.

Alternatively, if your projects and teams cannot simply be made public to all, then it would be good to understand the reasons why you wouldn’t want your managers to see the tasks within the projects? If you don’t want them to interact or affect the tasks, you could set them to Commenter or Viewer roles. And in that case, you should definitely get them to disable notifications for Tasks added and Messages.

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