Project Status not showing tasks with a rule

When creating a project status, is there a way can I show completed tasks (that have a rule to move to a new section once marked complete but incomplete in the new section)? We currently have a workflow that moves a task through different phases(sections) once marked complete. When it is moved to the new section it becomes unmarked. However, this workflow affects our project status and does not show the task was completed (when in the previous section). Hopes this makes sense.

Hi @Monica_Respondek ,
No, there isn’t a way to filter the tasks that appear in a project’s Status Update, apart from Completed, Upcoming or Overdue.

Therefore, I would suggest you revisit your workflow and adjust it so that tasks are only completed when they reach the last phase/section.

You can use Rules to add comments to tasks (posted by Asana) once a task reaches a particular phase such as “Once this phase A is complete, please set the phase to B (don’t complete the task, thanks!)”

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Thank you.


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