Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I have a task that has a good size of text in the description, enough where I have to scroll to the bottom. When I put my cursor at the end of the description and press enter expecting a new line break, Asana keeps toggling the task status to complete and then incomplete. I could only get enter to work after I used the plus button to manually insert a new paragraph.
Steps to reproduce: At the end of the description, I had referenced another task using the @ syntax and Asana puts in the full task name. I put my cursor at the end of the description (which happened to be right after the @ task name) and then pressed enter. Asana marked the task complete instead of inserting a newline. Repeatedly pressing enter kept toggling the task complete and incomplete.
Browser version: Edge Version 114.0.1823.58 (Official build) (64-bit)
What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Business
Upload screenshots below: I can’t include the screenshot of the description as the information can’t be shared.