Premium Workspace - How am I being charged for the seats?

Good morning! I need help understanding why I am getting an alert that I need to add more seats to my account. I have a business level account which is showing my settings as a “business workspace” account. I’ve contacted support however they have not been helpful. This was her reply: “Please note that when you add someone to a project or as a collaborator of a task this person will count towards your premium plan size because you are on a paid plan for a Workspace.” She has also sent this same link along with it which also does not explain anything other than how workspaces function: Workspace basics | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

First of all, I am on a business plan not premium. What I don’t understand, though is the difference in a business versus ‘business workspace’ plan. I have looked everywhere for something that explains the difference and cannot find anything.

Based on Asana’s pricing page, I should not be being charges for these people- this is directly from their page:
Do I count guests the same way I count members?
It depends on your account type. If you are in a Basic account or a workspace, then yes you do count all your guests and members the same way until you reach the account limit of 15 per team or workspace. If you upgraded your account to Premium or Business, then you count only your members (the ones with your org email domain) and you have unlimited guests to add.

I am a contractor with no employees and added 2 clients to 2 separate projects so they could see progress. Needless to say, their domain emails are not the same as mine so based on what I read, they should not count as seats they should be considered guests.

In addition to my personal Asana count, I have used Asana as part of another group I am in and that account is premium and we can add people to projects no problem without them counting because they’re guests. I am just trying to understand what makes this different and why I do not seem to be able to add anyone to anything without them being counted as a seat.

Do you have a specific domain associated with your account?
A Business Workspace plan is not the same as a Business Organization plan.
The first one is not linked do a domain and thus any user you add to your account is seen as a paid seat. the second option (Business organization) only people with an email linked to your domain is seen as paid seats, all other are seen as guest accounts.

Feel free to DM me if you need more info.

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Hi @Megan_McCrea and thank you for reaching out in the Forum!

Sincere apologies for all the trouble and the confusion here. Let me see if I can help you clarify this issue.

As @Paul_Grobler explained, Workspaces do not require a common company email domain and every person you invite to collaborate on a task or a project will be counted as a member of your workspace, regardless of being added as Members or Limited Access Members. This means they will count toward your paid plan (whether is premium, business or enterprise plan).

Guests are strictly tied to Organizations. They are users who do not share the Organization email domain and have been invited to to work on a specific task, project or team. Guests of an Organization do not count toward the paid plan (Premium, Business or Enterprise).

If you have a company email domain, I would highly encourage you to consider converting your workspace into an Organization. You can learn more about it in the following guide article: Workspace basics | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

I hope this helps Megan but please let us know if you have any follow-up question!

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Thank you. I’ve done this now however now it’s taken away my business level access? Do I need to sign up for business again and if so, will the same thing happen?

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Actually - it is giving me the option to upgrade and when I try to select it, I am getting this message: “There is another paid team in this Organization. Please contact sales to upgrade the whole Organization or select a single team to upgrade instead.”

As I said, I am the ONLY user in this. I even deleted the people that I had added to projects temporarily until I got this sorted.

Seems like you have a team now upgraded and not the whole organisation.
a team is a sub section in your organisation. The best would be to contact sales and let them upgrade the whole Org. after this you should be ready to move forward.

@Natalia is there a way to escalate something in Asana support/ sales? I have been reaching out there (prior to coming to the forum) for I think close to a month now (my initial send took about 5 days to get a reply and its about 5-8 days for replies in between). I followed your instructions but now, cannot access my business features and have not heard back from sales or support on this issue for about a week. I followed up again today because I think they’re the only ones that can help me now based on what you outlined. I get things are tough right now with COVID but a month for a resolve seems excessive even given the circumstances - especially when I cannot access the features needed and have been paying for them this whole time.

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you @Megan_McCrea

I have liaised with our Support team who has confirmed the haven been in contact with you regarding this topic!

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with! Have a great week Megan!