Pause all rules when archiving project

That would be nice to have an option to pause all rules when sending a project to archive (like some pop-up asking if you want to also pause all rules).

Use case:

  • We’re working in sprints, and we create a new project for each sprint using a project template
  • Sprint projects have some automation rules (they are the same in all sprints)
  • At the end of the sprint incomplete tasks are usually added to the next sprint project, and finished sprint project is sent to archive
  • To avoid double automation I have to pause all rules in the archived project

Actually, I think it is quite a rare case when you want to have rules keep working in archived project.


Added my vote! This will be great if added

It would be great to have a rule that would pause all rules when archiving a projects.

Rule Inception :smile:

This would be great AS AN OPTION. So either keep running rules or do not keep running rules.

In most of my projects, I have a rule that generates a task when I complete the last task of the project that dates itself for 365 days post completion that says “unassign all tasks and delete this project” I need the rules to keep running so that when it’s due date is approaching, it is assigned to me so I don’t forget to go back and delete it.

I added this recently when I discovered that I had so many tasks in some sections I couldn’t collapse sections even though only a few were showing in that section as uncompleted (yes, even when I removed all filters, I couldn’t see them all) and found out that most of the issue was that My Tasks still loads completed tasks that are still assigned to you even after the project is archived or deleted. I get why, but it causes me a lot of problem since I’m my only user, so all task are my tasks - I understand solo users aren’t the majority.

Yeah, in an ideal world, I would always have the data to go back and check (on X date, four score ago, I did Y & Z for customer) but there’s a certain point it’s just too far back to be worth cluttering up a database.

But I don’t want the task assigned to me or another project until I need it, so this is one use case for not entirely removing “keep rules running in archived project” option. :slight_smile:

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