Option to Omit Subtasks from Dashboard Charts

Asana is now including subtasks within all new dashboard charts, blowing counts out of proportion. I have built my dashboard around tasks only (excluding subtasks). This change, without the option to filter one or the other, throws off my entire report. I’d like for Asana to allow the ability to choose one or the other, and not be forced to include subtasks within all new charts and restructure everything.


@Alisa_Kessler there is a filter.

That selection is no longer available for new charts, appears Asana ruled it out recently. I’m hoping that they add it back so it doesn’t mess up my entire dashboard for reporting purposes.

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This doesn’t work if the task in the asana board is a subtask. For Example, I have 26 tasks in a “To Do” section. I would expect to be able to pull that number into the dashboard. With the current Subtask filters, I either get 2 or 43 depending on which filter i choose.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dashboard: Include Everything that is on the Project but not subtasks that are not on the Project

I was also struggling to find this, but this should work:

