Option to expand milestones to show task dependencies

I’m using milestones as epics and linking tasks as dependencies to the milestone so I can see what tasks contribute to completing the epic. I’d like to expand the milestone to view the dependent tasks, much like how you can with sub-tasks. I’m using tasks over sub tasks in this instance so I can track them in different sections like up next, in progress, done etc.

You could set up the dependent tasks as subtasks of the milestone and then add them as tasks to the project through bulk select/edit. Then they will exists as subtasks of the milestone, but also appear at the task level for visibility.

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In case it’s not apparent, @JenDavis is suggesting making those subtasks members of the same project as the parent task. You can do that for a single subtask by showing it in the task detail pane and doing Tab+P, or for a group of subtasks through multi-selection and the multi-select footer toolbar project clipboard icon.

