Once Task Completed, Auto Create New Task with Dynamic Due Date | Multi Step Rule?!

I run an SEO agency so each month I have to repeat certain tasks. I want to be able to write one formula/rule which means I do not have to task in tasks again for this project.

I want to be able to do the following:

  1. Once task has been ticked off and completed, create new task and give it a +3 days due on the task.
  2. Once that task has been ticked off, create new task with +7 days due.
  3. Keep repeating the above!!!

Surely this is possible? Asana talk about automation but I haven’t seen this feature.

Help people!

Hello @Reece_Hussain, welcome to Asana Forum,
Could you please confirm that you are useing Premium or Bussiness version of Asana (not free one)?
I think that in this case you can use:

Task repeating - How to Complete Task Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide,

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