Nudge Reminders

If there is an overall project manager overseeing that the team is carrying out all tasks as they should - is there a way that they can ‘nudge’ somebody on a particular task that they know will soon be due or is overdue and the person responsible hasn’t even started it yet?

I can see you can ‘like’ a task which isn’t particularly helpful (this is not social media after all, but a project/task list), so can this functionality not simply be replaced with this instead?

Not all team members use the platform as diligently as they should… but at least they can ‘like’ things!!

To “nudge” your colleague you can use comments to warn him that the tasks will soon be overdue, and this is more friendly than a nudge button I think.

The like button can be used to say “thank you” or to confirm we have seen something, or to confirm we are taking into account a task someone has assigned to us. In my company we have decided to use it that way and we find it useful.


Sometimes you want to nudge a coworker at the task or card level and instead of just calling them out in the comments it would be nice to have a “send a reminder” feature that calls out the task in the Inbox or some other useful place.


Hello @Angelica_Garcia,

It looks like there are others that would like the same thing. I would encourage a merge of all of the product feedback posts into one on the topic so we can all vote on the same post to be most effective. @Marie


How do I do that?


@Marie can merge them or you can remove this post and vote on the other. It’s always nice to have them merged because there is more feedback and it bumps up conversation on other feedback posts.


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Thanks for the mention @Katie_Reynolds, I’ve gone ahead and merged the two threads!

I did a screenshot of an emoticon nudging, cropped it, and attached it in comments for my collaborator to see.

I would send a screenshot of it if I could.


Any update on this?

This would be super helpful and a lot quicker than writing a comment!
I do get that a ‘nudge’ could seem unfriendly, however it would be good if you could ‘nudge’ someone and they receive a message in their inbox such as:
“This task is overdue. Please could you provide an update?”

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I find it odd that Asana never implenmented this. Sure ok maybe is or isnt on a road map but you’d think this was a standard feature for a project management product