Not able to get response from Sales team

Hi, after my Asana trial ended, I have not been able to access my projects. So, we decided to transition to Asana Starter subsrcription. But currently the account I have is a workspace account. And I read on the rules of subscription, that we will need a ‘Organization’ account so that all of our team members can access those projects after purchasing just 1 starter subscription for the organisation. I wanted to know how do I go about it, should I create a new organisation account and how will I be able to access the same projects from my previous account? I have been trying to contact sales team regarding this too, but haven’t received a response since 1 week.

How many licenses do you need?

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Hi Bastien_Siebman We need 9 users to be able to access the projects. We would need just 1 license right for the whole organisation?

If you have 9 users, you need 9 licences, but you can only buy 10.

fyi you can’t buy 1 licence, the minimum is 2.

Ok, so will we need to buy seperate license for each employee. I had read on the rules about Asana Starter subscription, that upto 500 users can access projects.

Hi @Chunauti_Duggal , as @Bastien_Siebman mentions, you will need to purchase a bundle of 10 licenses, even if you just have 9 users.

The limitation of 500 users on Starter and Advanced tiers has to do with the number of users within a single Asana instance, known as an Organization. That does not seem it will be an issue for you.

Note, to setup an organization you will require all your users to share the same domain email addresses.

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Thanks @Richard_Sather for your respinse. So, to clarify all the employees/uers do have same domain email addresses.
Now, if we purchase 1 Asana Starter plan for our organisation. Will we still need to purchase a bundle of licenses for employees?

Correct, you will be essentially purchasing 10 licenses on the Starter plan/tier. And if you pay annually, you save about 18%.
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