Question on subscription and Teams

Hi…I’ve tried reaching out to Asana support and I’m a bit concerned with just how bad it’s been. I’m already trying to give them money and they just keep trying to sell me something I already want instead of helping me…so I’m coming here.

I want to buy 10 seats and upgrade us from the free to the starter.

When I go to do that, it asks me to select a Plan Group, which just has a list of all the Teams I’m a part of, and says Only members who are in the (selected plan group) team will get Asana Starter features.

So my question is…we have several Teams…sales, support, engineering, etc. Not everyone is a part of all those teams, but I created a Company Team that houses our templates and what not.

If I choose the Company Team for my Plan Group, does that mean anyone in that Team gets one of the seats? And if so, will the Starter features still work in other Teams for them? As in, I have all 10 people in Company Team and 5 of them are also in Engineering and 3 are in Sales and 2 are in Support…all 10 of us still get the Starter Features in Engineering, Sales, and Support Teams because we’re all a member of Company Team…right?

Hi @Jon_Glendinning, sorry to hear that you are having trouble reaching our Support team. You are correct, let me use your example to share more details about how this works:

The team you select to upgrade will act as a “container” to identify who will be assigned a license. If you upgrade the Company Team plan, all members of this team will take up a license. Having a license in the “container” team enables these users to access all the paid features included in your Starter plan throughout the organization. When they collaborate with other users in other teams within your organization that are not tied to a subscription, they will still have access to Starter features. However, the other members of these free teams who are not members of your paid team (Company Team) won’t have access to paid features.

This is a recent change we’re launching to enable users to get more value from their paid plans and to improve collaboration between paid users with different plan tiers as well as free users. Before this change, paid access would only work within the upgraded team(s), which blocked users with different plans from working together in the same projects.

Hope this clarifies things!

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Hi Vanessa, that helps a lot…thank you!

To confirm an example…if I have two people in Engineering, one of them is in Company and one of them is not…the Company one will have the features and the other will not, correct?

If so, we’ve created some custom fields/columns, and I’ve noticed since our trial has run out, the columns are still showing but hidden/locked as to the selections/info in them…so I’d assume with the two people in Engineering…the one in Company, with the subscription, will see those columns and info and the one not in company and without a subscription will just see the greyed out/locked version of the columns, right?

Exactly! Users who don’t have a paid license will see a prompt to upgrade if they wish to access and work with features that only paid users can manage.

The exception is for features that depend on other users’ input, such as rules and forms. If a licensed user creates a rule in a project that is part of a free team, the rule will still run when actions are triggered by free users. For example, if you have a license because you are a member of the Company team and you set up a rule in a project that is part of the (free) Engineering team, the rule will still run when a free user in that project creates a new task. For instance, if the rule moves new tasks to a different section, it will still execute even if a free user adds the task.

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Awesome…thank you @Vanessa_N …you’re the best.

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