Can people look at the same project if some people have a license and others are using the free version?

Can people look at the same project if some people have a license and others are using the free version?

Hi @Sarah_McCann, welcome to our Asana Forum!

In general, this is possible, but it will depend on how your plan is set up. For instance, if your plan is configured as a division (a subscription tied to a single team or a group of teams within your organization, while other teams remain outside the paid plan), you should be able to achieve what you’re looking for.

For more details, feel free to check out my comment in this thread.

If you feel like this would suit your team’s needs, I’d recommend reaching out to our Sales team so they can look into your setup and provide more detailed information specific to your case. :smiley:

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Hi Vanessa,

Just wondering how you add a free member to a project. When we add a person, it looks like they are in a free trial?



Hi @Sarah_McCann, it sounds like the person you invited may have accidentally created their own space (which includes a free trial that automatically expires after 30 days) or started a trial for the team where the project they were invited to is located.

Since we don’t have access to account details here in the Forum, I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team. They’ll be able to check your account setup and guide you on how to resolve this. :slight_smile:

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