I’m attempting to get the nonprofit pricing for a public school district, but TechSoup only allows for 501c3 organizations. Are we not eligible? We’ll likely look elsewhere if we can’t get the discount.
Hi @anon68720034,
Great question! While the Asana for Nonprofits program is only currently available for eligible nonprofit organizations, know that we are actively looking at ways of improving accessibility for schools, like yours, in the near future.
While that doesn’t help much now, I’m going to reach out to you privately to see if our team can find a way to help bridge that divide.
Pinging again on this topic – anything to share or ideas about extending non-profit-like processing to public school districts? Part of our C-Suite retrospective of how we managed the initial phases of the pandemic and opening virtually this year highlighted that not having wider access to Asana for more of our building leaders (100% due to cost) was a frustration point. I’d love to be able to narrow this access gap and also revisit a transition to enterprise, frankly … but the current pricing doesn’t make either possible.
Hi @Eston_Melton ,
This is a great question. Our internal teams have been researching ways that we’re able to better accommodate the educational space, however, that said, we’re not there quite there yet.
I still recommend getting in touch with our sales team to see what can be done to bridge this divide as best we can. Give them as much info as possible about your needs: which team or teams need Asana, how many seats would be needed and what you’re looking to accomplish with Asana and this will empower them to advocate on your behalf.