Breaking news updates from the Asana for Nonprofits team; don't miss it!

Hi all :wave:

I wanted to post a quick note here so no one misses this exciting update. It’s in the Forum’s announcement section but you deserve to read it first!

Let me know if you have any questions :pray:


Whilst i understand using Techsoap make life easier.

I do wish Asana would recognise more not for profits than just Charities.

We are making a difference and our work can be enhanced via Asana


Hi @James_Adeleke,
Thanks for posting! We sincerely appreciate the feedback on how we (as a program) can grow and evolve. We are always looking for ways that we can accelerate the impact of organizations whose work is dedicated to uplifting the greater community and making the world a better place.

While we launched this program with nonprofits as a starting off point, we know they aren’t the only kinds of organizations whose work provides a net-positive for the greater good. We’re actively working towards ways that our program can evolve to better support those ambitions. In the meantime, I’ve reached out privately to better understand the organization you work with, to see how we can better support your work.


Hi @Michael_A,
Great to hear that you’re looking for ways to help organizations whose work is dedicated to making the world a better place. We, as a registered UK charity, were originally able to start using Asana in 2013 because we were given the charity discount. It’s been brilliant and has helped us grow. However, when we wanted to upgrade last year we were told by techsoup’s UK partner that, despite being a charity registered / approved by the UK’s Charity Commission we weren’t now eligible for the discount…we’re still pretty sad about this as it has meant we can’t afford the upgrade. I agree with @James_Adeleke - it would be great if we could do more and better things with Asana…


Hi @Michael_A, is there any update/has there been any further discussion surrounding the possibility of allowing religious organizations and churches to benefit from Asana’s nonprofit discount?

Hi @Michael_A , thank you for sharing this positive update and news for nonprofits. We all really appreciate Asana’s efforts to try and provide greater support for nonprofits. :pray:

Our research found that over 90% of the world’s registered NPOs have annual operating budgets of less than $10 million dollars.

Out of curiosity would you be able to share a little on how Asana found this number of 90% in your research? Were NPOs researched mostly based in the US and Europe because of greater data availability and transparency? Because I imagine if you truly took into account all the NPOs in Asia, Africa, and South America that number would probably be more like 99.5%! :smiley:

On another note, I am still curious about the true benefits of Techsoup. We have been a nonprofit for 21 years and registered with Techsoup for over 3 years and to be honest we have not experienced any real benefits through Techsoup besides meeting tech company requirements for support. The only reason we are registered with Techsoup is for the sake of the companies who request it.

Techsoup is an additional and permanent cost burden for NPOs and these costs become debilitating for small grassroot charities sadly rendering Asana a non-viable project management solution for them.

We appreciate the reduced Techsoup fee, but this is only a momentary solution. The more I learn about Techsoup the more, I am sorry to say, I am saddened by their business practices. They purport to support and help nonprofits but all they are doing is benefiting and leaching from the nonprofit sector by piggy backing with fees. Techsoup is taking advantage of a “business” gap that sadly currently exists: tech companies want to have an outsourced way to vet nonprofits (reduce cost and resources) and nonprofits need tech tools to help them in their work. Techsoup has decided to encrust itself within this gap and, for every transaction, exact a fee. I apologize for these harsh words regarding Techsoup, but it is what it is. :expressionless:

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