New! Achieve your most important objectives with Goals

I think that currently you can link a single project to a goal, but there is nothing automatic from there. Updates and analysis, etc. are still manual.

The question may be a bit more complex as the goal may have a different metric than the project. So let’s say you goal is “get 5 conversions from campaign A” and you have a project with 100 tasks in it - build a landing page, send email, etc. Even if you complete all 100 tasks there is still no guarantee you will get any conversions or maybe you will get 50 conversions. So it is really hard to create an automatic connection between goals and project progress.

In order for this to work automatically or at least partially Asana needs to make a big leap and do the following:

  • currently the automatic progress of projects is a bit inaccurate as many people have tasks in projects that are not task but hold project resources. Since Asana has no place to hold project recourses other than in tasks you end up with task that are never intended to be completed
  • so ideally you should have the ability to “check” a section and say “traceable” “non traceable”
  • this way you analysis can disregard tasks that you are not planning to complete ever
  • or you can mark only one section as trackable as per the example above “conversions” - when you add a task to it it tracks toward your goal
  • you should be able also to say “new task is tracked” or “completed task” is tracked, since sometimes the “success” is completing a task while in the example above each new conversion will create a new task (let say you use Forms) and thus success is when you create a new task in the section

Hope I explained it well, otherwise you are quite right to expect automation, etc. and hence the whole conversation with Asana, that this feature is basic, half finished and needs other features as basis which remain underdeveloped for quite some time

Hi @Jose_Valle :wave:t3:

Can you please reach out to our Support team? They should be able to help with that!

Hi @Sam_Leahey :wave:t3:

As I mentioned in this other reply this is only the start of Goals; we’re indeed planning to bring some automation to connect Portfolio progress to Goals. Stay tuned!

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I’ve been experimenting with Goals for my company’s OKRs and while I like the concept, there are some big gaps for me to find this truly useful.

  • I would expect a nested structure so that it’s easy to see how team-level OKRs roll up to company-level OKRs. Toggling from team to team breaks that continuity, and maintains the silos that I’m hoping to pull down in part via OKRs.
  • I can’t report on anything in Goals? In order for me to get any kind of buy-in from OKR owners to make updates, I’d need to be able to pull a report that quickly and easily identifies status across team-level OKRs. Everything is so manual.
    *Also, once you set a metric, there’s no way to go back and adjust it? You just have to delete it and redo it completely.

Hi @Krista_Ratcliff and thanks for your feedback.

These are two very important feedback and if you have a minute I’d recommend creating a new thread for each of them in the #productfeedback so other folks can vote and support these requests!

This is something we’re aware of and planning to address, so stay tuned for more updates!

Hi folks, Goals are now rolled out to all our customers, so I’m closing this announcement. If you have any questions, please ask them in #tipsandtricks and if you’d like to share your feedback, make sure to log it #productfeedback!

Hi folks :wave:t3:

Just a quick note to let you know we’ve launched a new update, allowing you to make your Goals private!

We think this update will be particularly useful to folks working on regulated goals (ie: financial targets in public companies or confidential legal information) or sensitive goals (ie: upcoming workforce reduction, benefits changes, or business strategy changes). Private goals can also be used as a proxy for drafting public goals, so these aren’t made public until they get reviewed and ratified for example.

To learn how to create private Goals or how to switch your public goals to private, have a look at our guide article dedicated to Goals!

Hi folks,

I’m briefly reopening this thread to share an exciting update! Our team has started rolling out an update allowing you to edit your Goal progress metrics – so you can now easily correct mistakes or readjust your target mid-way through your goal period. This new feature is located in the drop-down menu next to each Goal title.

Our guide article dedicated to Goals should be updated within the next couple of days, but in the meantime, you can refer to the screenshot below if you’re curious to see what this update looks like!

Please note this new feature is available to 100% of our Business and Enterprise customers!

We hope you enjoy this new update as much as we do and as usual, make sure to post any question you may have in #tipsandtricks. You can also log your feedback in #productfeedback.


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Hi all,

I’m excited to share that you can now view Goals on iOS v8.40+! :tada:

If you’re away from your desk due to meetings, travel, or the nature of your work, with this update you will be able to view and update the progress of your Goals as you go by searching them on mobile.

It’s faster than waiting until you’re by a computer, and holds you more accountable than just jotting your progress update down somewhere!


Please feel free to post any question you may have in #tipsandtricks. You can also log your feedback in #productfeedback.


Hi all,

Quick update to let you know that today we’re launching a new feature allowing you to re-order your Goals :tada:

To drag a goal, grab it by the drag handle (click and hold on the 3 vertical dots to the left of the title), then drag it to where you’d like it to be reordered.

You can move goals to other positions at the same level and you can open a parent goal’s detail page and reorder its sub-goals. Please note that you can’t drag & drop to change a top-level goal to be a sub-goal, or vice versa — you would need to change that goal’s parent on its goal details page.

We hope that you enjoy this new update and we look forward to hear your feedback!

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Hi folks,

We have more good news regarding Goals! We’re just rolling out a new update to implement Goals history logs. With this new update, you can track changes made to your Goals overtime. The history log will be available in a new “Activity” section, right below the Description section or Subgoals (if you have any).

Please note that this update is currently available to 10% of our customers and will become available to everyone over the next couple of days!

We hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to hearing your feedback!


Hi everyone!

As part of our continuous efforts to improve Goals in Asana, we’re now rolling out an update to deduplicate sub-goals in the Goals list view when their parent goal is linked to the same team.

Currently, if a sub-goal shares the same team as its parent goal, they will both appear at the top level. This update changes that behavior so that the sub-goal will no longer appear at the top-level if its parent is linked to the same team.

This update is now available to all Business and Enterprise customers! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback :slight_smile: