Need help with creating a time tracking filter for a specific date range.

I have a project that I use with an outsource team to track their work. The tickets move through various sections/statuses over time, but we need to make sure that we can appropriately track tickets that are actively worked on in a given month to make sure we are being billed appropriately for that work. The tickets could remain in an “In Progress” state for a while, or move to a more completed state within a given month, but still have work done on them and hours entered on the ticket before it’s moved to Completed (multi-day efforts).

High-level flow:

  • Ticket is assigned to outsource assignee and marked Ready for Work.
  • Assignee will work on ticket (Work In Progress)
  • Assignee adds time on the ticket for that work at the end of the day or week (ticket may be still in Work In Progress, or might have been finished and moved to a Completed status)
  • At the end of the month, outsource team lead sends bill to ensure payment for hours spent on work during that month.

I would like to be able to generate a list or report from a specific Asana project that shows me all the tickets (and only those tickets) that had the time entry field updated in a specific time period. This would allow me to cross-reference the outsource’s billing with the actual work completed in that month. It’s very important here to be able to see only tickets updated in the chosen time period (usually the previous month).

Is this possible?

Of course, after several days of trying to figure it out with Google and Asana forums, I think I may have figured it out literally minutes after I made the post. If anyone sees this that knows more than me, am I actually doing things here that I think I’m doing that will hit my goal? Thanks for answering my silly question if it was as simple as this!

Additional question: If the below IS correct to get me what I need - if the same ticket gets hours added to it in two different months (eg: 8 hours in Feb, 8 in March), will that display in the graph as such, or will one or both months show 16 hours?

Hi @Gareth_Ackerman , it will show in both months because it is based on entry date. You could try it now by adding time in for January, just as a test.

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@Gareth_Ackerman @Richard_Sather I tested this and can confirm that the time logged will only show up in the month it is logged in.


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