Need help removing users please


We use the free version of ASANA, so don’t have access to the admin console, we often have the issue that when someone leaves the company we don’t seem to be able to remove the individual (Doesn’t matter too much as their email account is disabled) but unfortunately we’re in a position where one of our employees has passed away and it’s causing upset to members of staff seeing the name, we have multiple people with the same first name and same last name so it comes up quite often.

Could anyone help? I’m going in circles with support.

Kind Regards,

Hello @Luke_Allen, welcome to Asana Forum,
In this case you can remove user from one of the team, and when you do it click deprovision.
Like here:

This deprovision option removes user from organisation/workspace and creates project for you with all tasks previously assigned to him.

I hope it helps.

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@Emily_Roman could you confirm that this is how it should works on free version

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You are right, @Charlie_Pilch! That’s how it works on the free version. You can also find the steps in this article.