I use the My Tasks feature for my daily to-do list (it’s awesome!) I frequently drag and drop tasks to reorder them within, and between sections.
Currently, if you want to drag-and-drop a task to the end of a section, you have to drag it down to just over the last task in the section in order for it to be reordered. If you drag it over the “Add task…” link at the bottom of the section, it will not reorder.
I request that if a task is drag and dropped onto the “Add task…” link/text at the end of a section, then the task is put last in that section.
Hello @Brian23 and welcome to the Asana Community Forum
I recommend upvoting this existing thread as it seems it is what you are looking for?: Board View: Select where to add new tasks in a section (Top or Bottom of the list os tasks in a section)
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us, @Brian23! I see what you mean, it looks like you are currently sorting your My Tasks list by due date so new tasks need to be dragged and dropped at the end of the list of tasks. If you sort by None, you should be able to drop tasks directly at the top of the list. As a workaround, I usually reorder tasks using the option below:
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