Tasks move due to rule should be inserted into the bottom of the section

Creating rules that move tasks around is helpful in rebuilding some of the funtionality that was lost from the old My Tasks, but I’m finding there’s a big flaw.

When tasks are moved they are put into the top of the section they are being moved to. This messes up my workflow as I don’t want them to hide outstanding work that is even higher priority.

I did try sorting by date within sections, but then this pushes tasks with no date to the bottom of the section, which is even worse IMO!

Please can we have the ability for tasks to be added at the end of the section, like they used to be


Hi @Sam, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback - we appreciate it! We will pass this on to the Product team. I’ll let you know if any changes are made here :slight_smile:


Hey all! Seeking a trigger to get completed tasks to auto-sort to the bottom of a section when the Task is checked “Complete” - any quick tip/tricks greatly appreciated! Thank you!


@anon96954146, I’m afraid that’s not currently possible in Asana, but you can vote for this at the top of this thread into which I’ve merged your request.


Also, if you sort by due date you can no longer expand subtasks from the main view and instead have to open the details pane of a task to see them.


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Hello! Can we get an update on this? This would be an extremely useful feature.


Hi! Is this a feature yet? We often live inside of the subtask lists, and being able to have completed tasks move to the bottom of the section would be incredibly useful and time-saving. Any updates yet?

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Hopefully this feature comes soon. Such a simple change and completely logical. If new tasks always go to the top of the sections the old tasks never have a chance!

Just curious, how many votes is a reasonable amount to consider this in the short-term roadmap? 43 seems high to me, but maybe there are hundreds of 100+ vote threads out there.

Either way, just came to say I’d like this feature, too.