My Task Page Automation

Hi there,

I’m wondering how other folks have customized the “My Tasks” page to work for them – I think I would like to have the ability to tag certain tasks as a “Top Priority” when I am making my schedule for the day, and have them automatically show in a section at the top of my “My Tasks” board. I want to be able to view all tasks assigned me which are tagged as “Top Priority” right there at the top of the page. Ideally I would like team members to be able to add this tag to my tasks whenever they are feeling “extra urgent” about it as well!

It doesn’t even have to be a “tag” per se, if there is a better way to achieve this.

I looked into Flowsana as well but couldn’t find an easy way to customize the “My Tasks” board and/or create a rule like this which applied to ALL of my assigned tasks in Asana (versus just applying to one board in particular).

I feel like this would be a super helpful feature, but I just can’t figure out how to get it done – since I can’t figure out how to build “rules” based on “tags” on the “My Tasks” board!

Any other creative tips or tricks out there that would help me get to this end goal or something like it?

My ultimate goal is to finally stop working off of paper/handwritten “top priority” to-do lists each morning IN ADDITION TO my assigned Asana tasks, ha!

Welcome, @Laura_Rabell,

I think almost all your questions are covered in my:

which should help you handle your own prioritization of My Tasks.

Re others tagging you as described, I’m afraid that’s not supported in Asana rules and Flowsana is currently project-by-project but I believe @Phil_Seeman is working on a solution to that!

You could share your My Tasks with others which would allow them to prioritize move your tasks among your My Tasks sections but that’s not exzctly what you’re asking for.

A workaround is to convey to others some action to take to bump your priority that will generate a notification to you, for example, adding a comment to that effect to a task you’re assigned, then you monitor your Asana Inbox and change the My Tasks section as you read the notification.

Hope that helps,


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Hi @Laura_Rabell,

Flowsana does support creating rules in My Tasks, and it also supports creating rules based on tags, so yes, you could have other users tag your tasks and then have Flowsana move them in your My Tasks based on that tagging.


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