My rules for a specific board are not working

Hi everyone!

I started working with Asana last month and I already loved it. I created a lot of rules to all of my boards and “My tasks” and they work just fine. But for a specific board it is not working at all. I created 3 rules and 2 of them are not working, they are:

When: Task is added to the project ----> Check if: Group is XXXX —> Create approvals.

When: Task is added to the project—> Check if Region is “Regional - BR” → Set assignee to (specific person).

+Both of them have a lot of “Otherwise if” possibilities, if thats an important thing to add.
+All of these fields are custom fields (“Group” and “Region”).

I really need this to work in order to my teams’ workflow to be effective, can someone please help me? :slight_smile:

@Nathalia_Barreira, I think we’d need to see screenshots of your rules in full and the data in your projects to help debug.



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Hi! Is there a way to provide the information without being exposed here in the forum?

Hi @Nathalia_Barreira, sorry for the trouble! I replied to your post in our Portuguese Forum, but sharing it here as well in case it helps.

From what you described, it seems that the problem lies in the condition that triggers the rule. For those two mentioned rules to work, the tasks added to the project need to come with the custom field already defined. Otherwise, the rule gets triggered before you have a chance to define the custom field, and consequently, it doesn’t work.

This setup with new tasks + custom field as condition is more effective for tasks created by form submissions, as they already enter the project with the field defined.

Some alternatives for your case could be:

a) When the custom field is changed > to option XXXXX > create an approval.
b) Or use a section to serve as a trigger for the rule, allowing the custom field to be defined before the rule runs: When the task is moved to section XYZ > check if the custom field is XXXXX > create an approval.

But let us know if this is not the case and if you still need help. Sharing a screenshot of the rules set up window (blurring any private data) would be helpful too. :slightly_smiling_face:

@lpb, feel free to also add anything here.

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Hi Vanessa! Thank you so much for your support. It was exactly this!

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Glad to hear this helped, @Nathalia_Barreira! :slight_smile:

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