📆 Multi-filter on Calendar view

Hello Asana Community :wave:

Following the launch of New: multi-sort, multi-filter and reverse sort on List and Board views!, we’re excited to share that the multi-filter function is now available on the calendar view too!

Filters for the Calendar view include:

  • Assignee → You can only have one “Assignee” filter applied, but the filter can include multiple (up to 5) people. If your filter includes multiple people, these people are “OR” -ed together because a task can’t be assigned to more than one person.
  • Completion status → Is either Incomplete tasks or Completed tasks. You can only have 1 completion status filter applied
  • Created on → The drop-down includes the following options:
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This week
    • Last week
    • Last 14 days
    • Over a month ago

Only one “Created on” filter can be applied.

  • Last modified on → The drop-down includes the following options:
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This week
    • Last week
    • Last 14 days
    • Over a month ago

Only one “Last modified on” filter can be applied.

  • Completed on → The drop-down includes the following options:
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This week
    • Last week
    • Last 14 days
    • Over a month ago

Only one “Completed on” filter can be applied.

  • Created by → You can only have one “Created by” filter applied, but the filter can include multiple (up to 50) people. If your filter includes multiple people, these people are “OR” -ed together because a task can only be created by one person.
  • Custom fields → Options include “Contains all” or “Contains any”

We can’t wait to hear feedback from all Calendar lovers, and if you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments below too!

Please note this feature was rolled out to 10% of customers yesterday and will become available to everyone in the next couple of days :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Print Project Calendar

apparently they exist :man_shrugging: I play for the “List” team myself :sweat_smile:

What’s the ETA on the roll out? Eagerly awaiting this feature but I don’t see it in my org yet. Thanks!


Hello @Dinah_Pu :wave:

The timeline slightly evolved since I published this post. We ramped it up to 50% of users last week and we plan to ship it to all customers in the next 2-3 weeks!


This feature is now rolled out to all Asana customers :partying_face:


It looks like people with comment-only access can only use the multi-filter in list and board view, but not in calendar view.

Can we change this?

We share a master calendar of events with clients; the list view is not helpful for them and using a filter in the calendar view would increase the functionality significantly. I’m really hesitant to grant edit access to any of them in case tasks get accidentally deleted etc.

Will any of these features be rolled out to the My Task calendar view - I know some on our team would like to be able to use filters and such. Thanks.

I believe features like this usually make their way to My Tasks at some point, but I am afraid the My Tasks view is a “special” one which doesn’t make it automatic. Let’s see if Asana can provide more insights!


I love this! When will we get this kind of sorting for the Timeline view? This would be significantly more useful to me in Timeline so I hope it’s on the radar for a release soon!

Is this feature available on the “Team” Calendar as well (which showcases from all Projects belonging to a Team), or just on each individual Project Calendar?

Good question @Martha_Van_Houten. This update is only available on projects and (monthly) My Tasks calendars. We’ll keep you posted here if we plan to extend it to Team calendars in the future!

We want to filter a Calendar by a Custom Field (date), but when we do this, the Calendar places the task on the Due Date rather than on the Custom Field date - which are different. Is this a known issue to Asana?

Our use case is:
Our Tasks contain multiple dates: Filming date, Edit date, Publish date (all custom fields), plus the Due Date. We want to be able to filter calendar views for each of those dates.

Yes, you can’t use a custom field of type date as a calendar date, that’s expected for now.

Thanks @Bastien_Siebman. Do you know if this is on the Asana roadmap? My account manager thought it was a bug and was being fixed

It is indeed a missing feature, not a bug. We haven’t heard anything regarding this item and the roadmap. Asana doesn’t share its roadmap, like most tools in the same market.

Hey guys - I can’t see the button to filter the calendar for the project

Hi @Lee_Cottrill , welcome to the forum :wave:

I’ve noticed the same for some of my client’s spaces - seems revert back to only the ‘All tasks’ , ‘Incomplete tasks’ or ‘Complete tasks’ options, as per your screenshot, in the upper right area.

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cracked it! with help from asana support
i raised a ticket.
the ‘Filter’ button only appears when you change the Week view to Month view.
If you’re in Week view you’ll see ‘All tasks’ , ‘Incomplete tasks’ or ‘Complete tasks’ options
If you’re in Month view you’ll see ‘Filter’ button
hope that helps!


Hi @Marie Do you know if the Multi-filter feature will be added to the “Timeline” View? I Understand that it is available elsewhere, and that there are simple sort/filters in Timeline view already, but I am specifically referring to the Multi-Filter type features that are present on the List View. I know it’s been discussed, however I am wondering if this is something that may be added in the future? Thanks in Advance!
(The previous thread was closed off from further commenting).