Moving the timeline of a whole project

At the moment when the timeline of a project moves, you have to go into each individual task and the all subtasks to move the timeline of the whole project. This is very time intense and you should be able to move the whole ting in one go. The same for a task - you move the time and the subtasks dont move with it.

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Agreed. You can however, click and drag to select multiple tasks and move. But yes, a better way to push/pull times.

Move all tasks from this date out 5 days (excluding weekends)

Hi @anon27449713, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

Thank you that would be great as we really need this:)

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and zoom out to Years to see as many tasks as possible.


Ideally, when you have tasks that have a dependancy and duration/workload, and one of the tasks starts later, the dependant tasks move as well when you want to reschedule this.

But this should only be done when you have not entered a date yourself, but are using system calculated dates based on dependancy and duration/workload.

Most likely I am thinking to much MS Project :slight_smile:

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FYI our Flowsana integration has several automations which provide this type of date shifting.

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Thanks for feedback

I will certainly have a look at Flowsana, it looks to have the some of missing bits that are present in MS Project

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Hi Rebecca,

are there any updates here? this feature is quite crucial for us.



I’m amazed this feature isn’t part of a project management software

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Hi, @Jordan_Gasparini

Asana is a system positioned as a work management tool.
You can think of it as a system that can be used to improve the efficiency of work in a broad sense of project management.

There are some differences in terms of functionality compared to project management software that conforms to the PMBOK.
For example,

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:bulb: Marking this as a solution for visibility only :bulb:
I believe since the request for this feedback, Asana has released a few enhancements.
If you are looking to move the due dates of your entire project, you can do so by clicking on the timeline tab, selecting all tasks and moving them to the whenever you want.

That is a one time move and all tasks will update. PS- you can move up to 50 tasks in one go.

Another feature that has been released is dependency on tasks. If you build your project with dependencies, then any movement you make to your tasks, the dependency will trigger. you can set up what you want with the buffer - consume or maintain.

You can read about both these features here:

  1. Project timeline view and multi task due dates shifting:

  2. Auto-shifting dates with dependencies:


Be careful the 50 limit when bulk editing will apply.


Thanks @Bastien_Siebman I update my response.

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